This package was developed by @styczynski. Great thanks to @hasanozdem1r who contributed a lot to this project!**
This package provides high-level API work easy writing/reading/listing files inside the DVC. It can be used for automation systems integrated with data pipelines.
dvc-fs provides basic compatibility (Still work in progress) with PyFilesystem2 API.
To install this package please do:
$ python3 -m pip install "dvc-fs==0.8.3"
Or with Poetry:
$ poetry install dvc-fs
Using via PyFielsystem2:
The dvc-fs package is integrated with PyFilesystem, so you can do:
from fs import open_fs
fs1 = open_fs("dvc://") # Clone by https
fs2 = open_fs("dvc://") # Clone by ssh
fs3 = open_fs("dvc://<PAT>") # Clone by https with personal access token
# You can also use normal HTTPS and create env variable GIT_TOKEN
# In that case Personal Access Token will be injected in the clone url
And now the usage is as follows:
from fs import open_fs
with open_fs("dvc://") as fs:
fs.writetext("fs_test/fasta2.txt", "TEST")
Explicitly creating DVCFS:
This method allows you to explicitly create DVCFS class in your applciation:
from dvc_fs.fs import DVCFS
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
for path in fs.walk.files():
# Print all paths in repo
List all files with walk():
from dvc_fs.fs import DVCFS
with DVCFS(
) as fs:
for path in fs.walk.files():
Check if the file exists:
from dvc_fs.fs import DVCFS
from os import environ
with DVCFS(
) as fs:
for path in ["cirk//BVic HIs_SH2021.xlsx"]:
Removing files:
from dvc_fs.fs import DVCFS
with DVCFS(
) as fs:
fs.writetext("data/to_remove.txt", "TEST STRING ABCDEF 123456")
Read and write contents:
from dvc_fs.fs import DVCFS
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
contents = fs.readtext('data/1.txt')
print(f"THIS IS CONTENTS: {contents}")
fs.writetext("test.txt", contents+"!")
You can also directly use DVC high-level api via the Client:
from dvc_fs.client import Client, DVCPathUpload
# Git repo with DVC configured
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
# Upload local file ~/local_file_path.txt to DVC repo under path data/1.txt
DVCPathUpload("data/1.txt", "~/local_file_path.txt"),
The upload operator supports various types of data inputs that you can feed into it.
Uploading a string as a file:
from dvc_fs import DVCStringUpload, DVCPathUpload
from datetime import datetime
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
DVCStringUpload("data/1.txt", f"This will be saved into DVC. Current time: {}"),
Uploading local file using its path:
from dvc_fs import DVCPathUpload
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
DVCPathUpload("data/1.txt", "~/local_file_path.txt"),
Upload content generated by a python function:
from dvc_fs import DVCCallbackUpload
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
DVCCallbackUpload("data/1.txt", lambda: "Test data"),
We can use download
operation similarily to the upload
. The syntax is the same:
from dvc_fs import DVCCallbackDownload
# Download DVC file data/1.txt and print it on the screen
with DVCFS("https://<GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN>") as fs:
DVCCallbackDownload("data/1.txt", lambda content: print(content)),
To bump project version before release please use the following command (for developers):
$ poetry run bump2version minor