🤓COVID-19 Statistical Analysis Simulator App using R
This dashboard demonstrates some recent news and the related statistics about the Coronavirus pandemic. This App is a simulator, that reads from the John Hopkins dataset, and shows some data related to confirmed cases, deceased and recovered cases
1. shiny
2. shinydashboard
3. tidyverse
4. leaflet
5. plotly
6. DT
7. fs
8. wbstats
https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html John Hopkins University covid-19 webapp
https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 .
- publish your app on Rstudio
- create an account on https://www.shinyapps.io/
- give a name to your app
- use your rsconnect secret key access on the publish segment in Rstudio
- proceed to deploy
and it's done... Explore R and create beautiful dashboards and deploy them using shinyapps.io
Cheerio 🙋♀️.