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"The distant future"

This is the native iOS app of Studs 2018, written in Swift 4.
It is really two separate apps built into one. The first one, the events app, is meant to be used during the course to view event information and check in to events. The second one, the trip app, is meant to be used as a companion during the trip to keep track of upcoming activities, sharing ones location and getting information from the trip group.

Getting Started


This project uses Cocoapods for dependency management. Dependencies are declared in the Podfile.

# Installing Cocoapods for Xcode 8 + 9
$ sudo gem install cocoapods


# Clone the repo
$ git clone

$ cd speedman

# Install dependencies with Cocoapods
$ pod repo update
$ pod install

# Open the workspace in Xcode (Not .xcodeproj/ !)
$ open Studs.xcworkspace/


To choose which app to run, change the UIMainStoryboardFile field of the Studs/Info.plist to either 'Trip' or 'Event'.


The app communicates with the Studs18 backend, overlord.
Point the app to a running instance in Studs/API.js.


This project uses Firebase for some realtime functionality and push notifications. In order for this to work, download and include the GoogleService-Info.plist available in the Firebase Console.
Drop it into the Studs/Supporting Files directory.

Built With


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