Rocket CSS is a small, lightweight CSS-only framework that allows you to quickly build web applications without the hassle of remembering 1,000s of classes. Unlike other CSS frameworks like Twitter Bootstrap, Rocket CSS comes with a handful of simple components which are all prefixed with the class .rkt-
which makes it easier to integrate Rocket CSS into an existing site.
Please visit the Rocket CSS site to get started:
Download the compiled and minified rocketcss.css file from rocketcss-dist/css/rocketcss.css
Rocket CSS aims to support modern browsers. If you're using an older version than listed below, or your browser isn't listed, there's likely little support for this browser.
browsers: [
"last 2 versions",
">= 0.2%",
"Chrome >= 55",
"Firefox >= 54",
"iOS >= 10",
"Safari >= 10",
"Android >= 4.4"
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Please be sure to search open issues first.
If you have a feature request, please submit one here:
This project is owned, maintained and developed by:
This is an open source project.