Data Logger in composed of data feeds, data handlers and loggers. Data feed is responsible for reading data from the sensors and emitting events. Data handler is responsible for receiving the events and process it.
Currently we have the following data feeds and handlers chain:
gnss.EventFeed --| | -- sqlite.logger
|-- main.DataHandler --|
imu.RawFeed --| | -- jsonFile.Logger
Is used to write both imu and gps log files to disk. It is also responsible to write the latest.log files.
Is used to write both imu and gps data to a sqlite database. merge.imu_raw_sql.go
file contains the schema for the imu and gnss data.
The data is collected by keeping the latest gps data and merge with imu data. Each time the imu data is received, the merged data is inserted into the database
Make sure you have buf installed
brew install bufbuild/buf/buf
Make sure you have installed protoc-gen-go
and protoc-gen-connect-go
go install
go install
Once you have installed protoc-gen-go
and protoc-gen-connect-go
, generate the proto files with:
make generate
This project is used for the dashcams, so you need to build for a specific architecture
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build ./cmd/datalogger
Before running the logger on the camera you need to stop all processes running on the camera
./datalogger log --db-output-path=/path/to/output.db
# db-output-path is the location to where we want the imu and gnss events to be saved
Once you have run the command above to run on the camera, all the events that you have emitted, they will be saved to a sqlite database. Given the path of where the sqlite has saved the events, then we can rerun the car run instead of going back out and driving. Permits to easily iterate on data.
datalogger replay --clean --db-import-path=/path/to/databse --db-output-path=/tmp/out.db
# clean will delete the db-output-path prior to running the replay command -> this is good to remove previous runs
# db-import-path will take the .db file which was produced by the datalogger log command
# db-output-path is the location to where the rerun db will be saved
Once the service is up on the cam, you can check the status with
systemctl status data-logger
You can also check the logs for the service itself (for a more detailed view)
journalctl -u data-logger -f -n 200 # follow and show the latest 200 lines