The objective of the study is to quantify longitudinal trajectories of groups (classes) of past-year suicide ideation and to explore the association between covariates and class membership in these trajectories from adolescence into young adulthood. In the study, the heterogeneity of longitudinal trajectories of suicide ideation groups of individuals will be identified. In addition, the relationship between covariates and each latent class will be estimated. Primary research areas include identifying the number of classes and longitudinal group differences of suicide-related thought and behavior.
- 1209man3step2.dat
- 1209man3step2missing.dat
-- Df1234sw.csv
(Mplus statistical software program does not support data file with attribute. This data file is saved to keep the data structure df1209full.csv
#####UPLOAD RAW DATA SET##### df2 = da21600.0005 #21600-0005-dATA.rda WAVE2
library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(lubridate)
######EXTRACT VARIABLES##### colnames(df2) df2=select(df2,AID,CALCAGE2,IDAY2,IMONTH2,IYEAR2,H2SU1,H2SU2) sapply(df2, class) df2 %>% select(AID,CALCAGE2,IDAY2,IMONTH2,IYEAR2,H2SU1,H2SU2)%>%head(10)
######DATA CLEANING######
#1. AGE #2.IINTERVIEW DATE #3. OUTCOME VAR from DF WAVE2(da21600.0005)
#1. AGE #AGE CALCULATION: calculate age, extract numeric value df2$CALCAGENUM2 <- substr(df2$CALCAGE2,start=2, stop=3) df2 %>%head(10)
#2.IINTERVIEW DATE #2.1.Extract nth character df2$IDAYS2num <- substr(df2$IDAY2,start=2, stop=3) df2$IMONTH2num <- substr(df2$IMONTH2,start=8, stop=13) df2$IYEAR2num <- substr(df2$IYEAR2,start=10, stop=14)
#2.2 Combine year,month,day into one column df2$IDATE2 <-paste(df2$IYEAR2num,df2$IMONTH2num,df2$IDAYS2num,sep ="-") df2%>%head(10) df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(INTERVIEWDATE2=ymd(df2$IDATE2)) sapply(df2, class)
#Set Name #name variable Suicide ideation to SI2, suicide attemts to SA2 df2=setNames(df2, c("AID","CALCAGE2","ITVDAY2","ITVMONTH2","ITVYEAR2","SI2","SA2","AGE2")) df2%>%head(10)
df3=da21600.0008 #21600-0008-dATA.rda library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) df3=select(df3,AID,H3TO130,H3TO131) df3=setNames(df3, c("AID","SI3","SA3"))
df4 = da21600.0022 #21600-0022-dATA.rda library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) df4=select(df4,AID,H4SE1,H4SE2) df4=setNames(df4, c("AID","SI4","SA4"))
#Merge data frame 2,3,4 by AID(unique id number). FOR THIS IMPORT W3 DATA RESULT df23=merge(df2, df3, by= "AID") df234=merge(df23,df4, by="AID")