----- By Seppo Tompuri 2014 -----
Seppo Tompuri's portfolio: http://stompuri.github.com
Project repository for AngularJS-ohjelmointiprojekti-k2014
The repository contains files for my (Seppo Tompuri) portfolio page. Used technologies: HTML, JS+AngularJS and FireBase
User authentication:
- public usage contains viewing information and porftfolio items
- loggin in allows editing stuff and adding portfolio items
General description: The general idea is to allow dynamic controlling of SW development portfolio. Each portfolio item contains some generic information, a photo and a link. The portfolio pages lists the SW projects I have been included (most are solo projects).
Tier 1 (must)
- The page allows adding portfolio items. - DONE
- The added items are shown instantly on the page. - DONE
Tier 2 (should)
- The page includes user authentication for adding items. - DONE
- Without authentication the stuff can be only viewed. - DONE
- With authentication stuff can be edited - DONE
- File upload function for pushing new photos to server - DONE
Tier 3 (as an extra)
- UI polishing - never ends
- Add about data & CV & other marketing material about me - Partially done (CV part missing)
- Email send form for getting mails from possible employer - To be done