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What is cluster-curator-controller

This project contains jobs and controllers for curating work around Cluster Provisioning. It is designed to extend the capabilities already present within Hive ClusterDeployment and Open Cluster Management ManagedCluster kinds. Hosted cluster support was added as well so now the controller also handles HostedCluster and NodePool kinds. The controller will automatically detect between Hive and Hosted clusters and will handle each type accordingly.


The controller found here, monitors for ClusterCurator kind. When new instances of the resource are created, this controller creates a Kubernetes Job (curator job) that runs: pre-hook Ansible, activate-and-monitor and posthook Ansible. The Job can be overridden with your own job flow.

Architecture diagram
For more details on job flow within our architecture see our swimlane chart.

Getting started

  • Built in curation jobs:

    Job action Description Cloud Provider Cluster Curator
    applycloudprovider-(aws/gcp/azure/vmware) Creates AWS/GCP/Azure/VMware related credentials for a cluster deployment X X
    applycloudprovider-ansible Creates the Ansible tower secret for a cluster deployment (included in applycloudprovider-aws) X X
    activate-and-monitor Sets ClusterDeployment.spec.installAttempsLimit: 1, then monitors the deployment of the cluster X
    monitor-import Monitors the ManagedCluster import X
    prehook-ansiblejob posthook-ansiblejob Creates an AnsibleJob resource and monitors it to completion X
    monitor Watches a ClusterDeployment Provisioning Job
    • Here is an example of each job described above. You can add and remove instances of the job containers as needed. You can also inject your own containers ./deploy/jobs/create-cluster.yaml

  • Steps for development:

    • Compile binaries

      make compile-curator

      This will compile the two binaries manager and curator in ./build/_output

    • Push image to a repo

      • Connect your local docker daemon to your prefered registry
        export VERSION=1.0    # This is used as the docker image tag
        export  # This can also be a docker registry
        make push-curator
      • You can now modify the image: references (there are x2) in deploy/controller/deployment.yaml
    • Updating the Type.go and CRD

      • Requires controller-gen be installed, the makefile will attempt to install it if it is not present.
        make generate   # Creates the groups and deep copy scafold
        make manifests  # Regenerates the CRDs

  • Steps for deployment:

    • Connect to the OpenShift hub, the cluster with Open Cluster Management installed
      oc apply -k deploy/controller
    • This deployment defaults to the namespace open-cluster-management. Each time a new ClusterCurator resource is created, you will see operations take place in the controller pod's log, as well as the status.conditions on the ClusterCurator resource.

  • Hive cluster provisioning example: (AWS)

    • In the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console, create a NEW cluster. Before you press the button to create the button, flip the YAML switch. Add the annotation, then press Create

    • The cluster will show in the console as Creating, but it is waiting for curation. If you will be using Ansible, create a secret in the cluster namespace. Here is a an example:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: toweraccess
        namespace: MY_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE
        token: ANSIBLE_TOKEN_FOR_admin  
    • Now create the ClusterCurator resource kind in the cluster namespace. This will begin curation of your cluster provisioning.

      kind: ClusterCurator
        name: MY_CLUSTER_NAME
        namespace: MY_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE
          open-cluster-management: curator
        desiredCuration: install
            - name: Demo Job Template
                variable1: something-interesting
                variable2: 2
            - name: Demo Job Template
            - name: Demo Job Template
    • For each ansibleJob that will be created, two special keys will be created in extra_vars:

      1. cluster_deployment, which has general information about the cluster
      2. machine_pool which has details about the worker nodes being created in the cluster

      These are made available to be used by the AnsibleJob during execution

    • The provisiong will start. To find the curator job, run the following command:

      oc -n MY_CLUSTER get ClusterCurator -o yaml

      This will return the YAML for the ClusteCurator resource, in the spec is a field curatorJob, this has the Job that is curating the cluster. Also note the status.conditions, each step performed by the curator job will have a condition where the status: "False". The type of each condition is a step(InitContainer) in the curator job. You can combine the job name and the type value to retreive the logs

        curatorJob: curator-job-d9pwh
        - lastTransitionTime: "2021-03-30T03:58:59Z"
          message: Executing init container prehook-ansiblejob
          reason: Job_has_finished
          status: "False"
          type: prehook-ansiblejob

Hosted cluster provisioning example: (KubeVirt)

  • When creating the HostedCluster and NodePool resource add the spec.pausedUntil field with value true to both resources. If using the hcp create cluster CLI you can specify the flag --pausedUntil true.

    kind: HostedCluster
      name: my-cluster
      namespace: clusters
      pausedUntil: 'true'
    kind: NodePool
      name: my-cluster-us-east-2
      namespace: clusters
      pausedUntil: 'true'
  • The cluster will show in the console as Creating, but it is waiting for curation. If you will be using Ansible, create a secret in the same namespace as the HostedCluster resource. Here is a an example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: toweraccess
      token: ANSIBLE_TOKEN_FOR_admin  
  • Now create the ClusterCurator resource kind in the HostedCluster namespace. The ClusterCurator name is required to be the same as the HostedCluster name. This will begin curation of your cluster provisioning by removing the spec.pausedUntil field in all the HostedCluster and NodePool resources.

    kind: ClusterCurator
        open-cluster-management: curator
      desiredCuration: install
          - name: Demo Job Template
              variable1: something-interesting
              variable2: 2
          - name: Demo Job Template
          - name: Demo Job Template
        towerAuthSecret: toweraccess

Note: The desiredCuration commands are exactly the same as the Hive cluster since the controller will auto-detect the cluster type

  • To monitor the status of the provision you can look at either the ClusterCurator status or look at the job logs from the HostedCluster namespace.

  • Diagnostic steps:

    • Run the following command to see the logs

      # oc logs job/CURATOR_JOB_NAME TYPE_VALUE
      oc logs job/curator-job-d9pwh -c prehook-ansiblejob
      oc logs job/curator-job-d9pwh -c activate-and-monitor
      oc logs job/curator-job-d9pwh -c posthook-ansiblejob
    • Add a "-f" to the end if you want to tail the output

      If there is a failure, the job will show Failure. Look at the curator-job-container value to see which step in the provisioning failed and review the logs above. If the curator-job-contianer is monitor, there may be an additional provisioning job. Check this log for additional information.

      The generated YAML can be committed to a Git repository. You can then use an ACM Subscription to apply the YAML (provision) on the ACM Hub. Repeat steps 1 & 3 to create new clusters.

  • Steps for test:

    make unit-tests
  • Check the Security guide if you need to report a security issue.