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A2Z CMS based on Laravel 4.2

A2Z CMS Features:

  • Laravel 4.2
  • Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.0
  • Custom Error Pages
    • 403 for forbidden page accesses
    • 404 for not found pages
    • 500 for internal server errors
  • Confide for Authentication and Authorization
  • Back-end
    • Automatic install and settup website.
    • User and Role management.
    • View user login history.
    • Manage blog posts and comments.
    • Manage gallery pictures and comments.
    • Manage custom forms.
    • Manage pages aranged into cateogry and possition.
    • Manage to-do list.
    • DataTables dynamic table sorting and filtering.
    • Colorbox Lightbox jQuery modal popup.
    • Add Summernote WYSIWYG in textareas.
    • soon will be more...
  • Front-end
    • User login, registration, forgot password
    • Blog,Gallery,Messages and more functionality
    • Voting content(Blog,Gallery,Page)
    • Custom themes
    • User can use avatar
    • Add Summernote WYSIWYG in textareas
    • soon will be more...
  • Packages included:


PHP >= 5.4.0 (Entrust requires 5.4, this is an increase over Laravel's 5.3.7 requirement)
MCrypt PHP Extension
Enable creating triger in database
SQL server(for example MySQL)

##How to install:

Step 1: Get the code

Option 1: Git Clone

git clone git:// a2zcms

Option 2: Download the repository

Step 2: Use Composer to install dependencies

Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. First, download a copy of the composer.phar. Once you have the PHAR archive, you can either keep it in your local project directory or move to usr/local/bin to use it globally on your system. On Windows, you can use the Composer Windows installer.

Option 1: Composer is not installed globally

cd a2zcms
curl -s | php
php composer.phar install --dev

Option 2: Composer is installed globally

cd a2zcms
composer install --dev

Please note the use of the --dev flag.

Some packages used to preprocess and minify assests are required on the development environment.

When you deploy your project on a production environment you will want to upload the composer.lock file used on the development environment and only run php composer.phar install on the production server.

This will skip the development packages and ensure the version of the packages installed on the production server match those you developped on.

NEVER RUN php composer.phar update ON YOUR PRODUCTION SERVER.

If you haven't already, you might want to make composer be installed globally:

$ curl -s | php
$ sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

Now I can use composer by invoking just the composer command.

Optional way to do it, is to set up an alias: alias composer='/location/of/the/composer.phar'

Step 3: Configure Environments(optional)

Laravel 4 will load configuration files depending on your environment. Basset will also build collections depending on this environment setting.

Open bootstrap/start.php and edit the following lines to match your settings. You want to be using your machine name in Windows and your hostname in OS X and Linux (type hostname in terminal). Using the machine name will allow the php artisan command to use the right configuration files as well.

$env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(

    'local' => array('your-local-machine-name'),
    'staging' => array('your-staging-machine-name'),
    'production' => array('your-production-machine-name'),


Step 4: Configure Mailer

In the same fashion, copy the app/config/mail.php configuration file in app/config/local/mail.php. Now set the address and name from the from array in config/mail.php. Those will be used to send account confirmation and password reset emails to the users. If you don't set that registration will fail because it cannot send the confirmation email.

Step 5: Create database and create Encryption Key

If you finished first four steps, now you can create database on your database server(MySQL). You must create database with utf-8 collation(uft8_general_ci), to install and application work perfectly.

The configuration option that we need is create the encryption key that is used within the framework. To do this, all we need to do is to run:

php artisan key:generate

Step 6: Install CMS

Now that you have the environment configured, you need to create a database configuration for it. If you install A2ZCMS on your localhost in folder a2zcms, you can type on web browser: http://localhost/a2zcms/ And than finish the installation. Instalation would populate a database with tables and start-up data(you can delete that data later).

Now inside app/config that corresponds to the environment the code is deployed in. This will most likely be local or production when you first start a project.

You may setup your timezone:

	| Application Timezone
	| Here you may specify the default timezone for your application, which
	| will be used by the PHP date and date-time functions. We have gone
	| ahead and set this to a sensible default for you out of the box.

	'timezone' => 'UTC',

Step 7: Make sure app/storage is writable by your web server.

If permissions are set correctly:

chmod -R 775 app/storage

Should work, if not try

chmod -R 777 app/storage

Step 8: Start Page

####Admin login You can login to admin part of A2ZCMS:

username: username_from_install_proces
password: password_from_install_proces

Application Structure

The structure of this starter site is the same as default Laravel 4 with one exception. This starter site adds a library folder. Which, houses application specific library files. The files within library could also be handled within a composer package, but is included here as an example.

Controllers for Admin part located in admin folder in Controller folder in app folder. CMS have a custom make a page using custom function for main content and sidebar. Implementation custom function for pages is located in BaseController and shows in all pages. When user go to some non-custom page(edit profile, messages,...) user get sidebar from first page.

Production Launch

By default debugging is enabled. Before you go to production you should disable debugging in app/config/app.php

    | Application Debug Mode
    | When your application is in debug mode, detailed error messages with
    | stack traces will be shown on every error that occurs within your
    | application. If disabled, a simple generic error page is shown.

    'debug' => false,


Site loading very slow

	composer dump-autoload --optimize

If A2Z CMS did not want to get dependesy

For some Windows people they have had to manually adjust the path in composer because composer is looking in ITS root folder (C:\ProgramData\Composer\Bin....etc...) for artisan instead of the root folder you are currently working from. In your composer.json change the lines to reflect the full path to artisan and remember to escape the slash. For example, assuming a Windows PC with XAMPP installed on D disk :

	"pre-update-cmd": [
		"php d:\\xampp\\htdocs\\website\\artisan clear-compiled"
	"post-install-cmd": [
		"php d:\\xampp\\htdocs\\website\\artisan optimize"
	"post-update-cmd": [
		"php d:\\xampp\\htdocs\\website\\artisan optimize"

Note : This will change your composer.json to only work on your current PC (or any with a similar path). If you use github or something to work on another system, this will need to be changed to reflect the new environment.

Included Package Information

Confide Authentication Solution

Used for the user auth and registration. In general for user controllers you'll want to use something like the following:


use Zizaco\Confide\ConfideUser;

class User extends ConfideUser {


For full usage see Zizaco/Confide Documentation

Entrust Role Solution

Entrust provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel4.


use Zizaco\Entrust\EntrustRole;

class Role extends EntrustRole


For full usage see Zizaco/Entrust Documentation

Ardent - Used for handling repetitive validation tasks.

Self-validating, secure and smart models for Laravel 4's Eloquent ORM

For full usage see Ardent Documentation


A fluent extension to PHPs DateTime class.

printf("Right now is %s", Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString());
printf("Right now in Vancouver is %s", Carbon::now('America/Vancouver'));  //implicit __toString()
$tomorrow = Carbon::now()->addDay();
$lastWeek = Carbon::now()->subWeek();
$nextSummerOlympics = Carbon::createFromDate(2012)->addYears(4);

$officialDate = Carbon::now()->toRFC2822String();

$howOldAmI = Carbon::createFromDate(1975, 5, 21)->age;

$noonTodayLondonTime = Carbon::createFromTime(12, 0, 0, 'Europe/London');

$worldWillEnd = Carbon::createFromDate(2012, 12, 21, 'GMT');

For full usage see Carbon


Simple presenter to wrap and render objects. Think of it of a way to modify an asset for the view layer only. Control the presentation in the presentation layer not in the model.

The core idea is the relationship between two classes: your model full of data and a presenter which works as a sort of wrapper to help with your views. For instance, if you have a User object you might have a UserPresenter presenter to go with it. To use it all you do is $userObject = new UserPresenter($userObject);. The $userObject will function the same unless a method is called that is a member of the UserPresenter. Another way to think of it is that any call that doesn't exist in the UserPresenter falls through to the original object.

For full usage see Presenter Readme

Laravel 4 Generators

Laravel 4 Generators package provides a variety of generators to speed up your development process. These generators include:

  • generate:model
  • generate:seed
  • generate:test
  • generate:view
  • generate:migration
  • generate:resource
  • generate:scaffold
  • generate:form
  • generate:test
  • generate:pivot <-- NEW!!

For full usage see Laravel 4 Generators Readme

<a name"summernote">


Summernote is a javascript program that helps you to create WYSIWYG Editor on web. Super Simple WYSIWYG Editor on Bootstrap(3.0 and 2.x).

Demo Page

For full usage see Summernote Readme


This is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license

Additional information

Inspired by and based on andrew13's Laravel-4-Bootstrap-Starter-Site

##How CMS is look like

Install First page Messages Admin dashboard Admin page