A replicate of a study of belief in supernatural evil and attitudes towards guns in the United States. The study is:
Christopher G. Ellison, Benjamin Dowd-Arrow, Amy M. Burdette, Pablo E. Gonzalez, Margaret S. Kelley, Paul Froese, "Peace through superior firepower: Belief in supernatural evil and attitudes toward gun policy in the United States", Social Science Research, Volume 99, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102595.
In order to measure the belief in supernatural evil, we will use the answers to three questions asked by the participants in the survey:
Whether the respondent believes in the devil.
Whether the respondent believes in hell.
Whether the respondent believes in demons.
You will investigate how the answers to these three questions can be combined to a single metric. Justify your approach.
Apart from the belief in supernatural evil metric, you will use several other variables to control your estimates.