Add the paperCardModal.css then papperCardModal.js and finally your main.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./PaperCardModal/src/css/paperCardModal.css">
<script src="./PaperCardModal/src/js/paperCardModal.js"></script>
<script src="./main.js"></script>
Add the button which gonna call the modal, give it an id and add some classes, like so
<button id="btn_modal" class="btn raised">Paper Card Modal !</button>
in your main.js you can make a modal by two ways
(function () {
var $ = document;
// Make your modal
$.getElementById('btn_modal'), // get the rudder (button) by its id
'txt_title': 'Modal Title', // give it a title
'txt_body': 'Modal text', // add some text to the body
'img_header': 'path_to_image' // add a header image
(function () {
var $ = document;
var rudder = $.getElementById('btn_modal'); // get the rudder (button) by its id
var info = {
'txt_title': 'Modal Title', // add a title
'txt_body': 'Modal text', // add some text to the body
'img_header': 'path_to_image' // add a header image
makeModal(rudder, info); // Make your modal