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steve.ohara edited this page Jan 2, 2025 · 4 revisions

Symbols Dialog

This is where you add/remove/disable your symbols.

Typically, you enter a 'trade' i.e. enter the symbol, what you paid for it and how many shares you bought. Multiple trades of the same symbol are combined in the ticker if you want, it's also handy to never delete trades, just disable them. That gives you a pretty neat history of your activities.

You can set how you want to display the symbol, what currency it was purchased in etc. and whether you want to see the daily changes in the form of percentage, value arrows.


Trade Details

Setting Description
Add & Delete These buttons allow you to add and delete stock symbols from the list.
Symbol This is the Yahoo recognised stock symbol for the company you hold shares in. If the stock is traded on an exchange outside the US, then the symbol must include the Stock Exchange Identifier e.g. British Airways is traded on the London Stock Exchange and would be BAY.L
Disabled Check this box if you don't want to display this symbol
Display Name You can optionally change the name displayed on the ticker rather than show the symbol. This is also how the stocks will be grouped in the summary.
Price Paid The price paid by you for the stock e.g. 10.05 or 23 etc
No of Shares Bought How many shares you bought of this stock - this can be whole or part shares e.g. 345 or 56.67 etc
Currency Code The international currency code the stock is traded in e.g. GBP, USD, AUD etc
Currency Symbol The character you want to display on the screen. The currency symbol has a double meaning - if you use $,£,€ etc. then this character precedes the value e.g. £100. However, if you specify a letter e.g. p,c etc. then this proceeds the value and also causes the value to be scaled by 100 in calculations e.g. 23p

How to Display Each Symbol

Setting Description
Price Show the price you paid for the stock
Hide Summary Exclude this symbol from the summary display and calculations. This is useful if you want to monitor a stock without actually holding it i.e. show the stock on the ticket but exclude it from any of the profit/loss summaries.
Change Show the difference between the current value and what you paid for the stock
Change % Show the Change as a percentage of what you originally paid
Up/Down Show an up or down arrow to indicate whether the stock is worth more or less than you paid for it
Profit & Loss Show the amount of money you have gained or lost on this stock i.e. the difference in value and cost multiplied by the number of shares you own.
Day Change Show the difference between the current value and the opening stock price for the day
Day Change % Show the Change as a percentage of the opening stock price for the day
Day Up/Down Show an up or down arrow to indicate whether the stock is worth more or less than opening stock price for the day


Setting Description
Enable Low/High Alarm Set an alarm to be triggered whenever the price equals or goes above/below the trigger price
If Price Drops/Rises to The trigger price e.g. 10.231 (can be up to 4 decimal places) - the trigger will only occur if the price travels 'through' this point e.g. for a low alarm to be triggered at 10.0, the price must have been higher than 10.0 and then become equal or greater to 10.0
Percent If this is ticked, then the trigger value is actually a percentage rise/fall of the starting datum. The datum value begins with the value at start-up and as this is reached, switches to a new trigger value based on the current price. e.g. Lets assume a stock is priced at $10, you set a low alarm of 10% which means that if the price goes to $9 the alarm will be sounded. The alarm is then reset to trigger at $8.10, if this is reached the trigger resets to $7.29
Sound Alarm Sound a repeating audible alarm when the trigger is reached


  • Only the actual symbol code is required, all other input boxes can be left blank - not much use unless you just want to see the current prices scrolling past you.
  • If a combination of values and Day values are shown, then the Day values are shown within round brackets.
  • If only Day values are shown, then the brackets are omitted
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