yarn install # or npm install
npm run dev # runs server with webpack HMR
npm run serve:prod # builds bundles and starts server
make sure your mongo process is running
make sure you have setup the .env file (template provided .env-template)
KeystoneJS - 4.0.0-beta.7
I am using a Fork of this that fixes some of the beta bugs. The keystone team has been slow in resolving issues so I now maintain my own version
Webpack - 3.5.5
webpack is setup to run hot module reloading and to build for production
gulp-sass compiles
directory to onepublic/styles/site.css
file -
Bootstrap 4
Bootstrap 4 (beta) is included and is ready to go
Font Awesome - 4.7.0
Font Awesome included in scss
React - 16.1.0
React with Redux (3.7.2) and HMR middleware (2.20.0)
Server side rendering (SSR) is also included and can be removed with one line in routes/index.js
reset password - makes an api call that will send an email with a password link
Hot Module Reload ready
React Routing - react-router-dom@4.2.2