This program will automatically tune mixing parameters for BA3-SNPs by implementing a binary search algorithm and conducting short exploratory runs of BA3-SNPS.
Our manuscript for BA3-SNPs-autotune has been accepted in Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Please cite: S.M. Mussmann, M.R. Douglas, T.K. Chafin, and M.E. Douglas 2019. BA3‐SNPs: Contemporary migration reconfigured in BayesAss for next‐generation sequence data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
This program now requires Python 3.3 or greater. BA3-SNPS-autotune was designed to work on Unix based operating systems, such as various Linux distributions and Mac OS X. To get started, clone this project to the desired location on your computer.
You may have to modify the first line of the file, which by default reads:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
To find the location of your Python installation, you can type the following at the bash command prompt:
which python3
Then modify the first line of to reflect the location of your Python installation.
You must also install my modified version of BayesAss (BayesAss3-SNPS: This program must be installed so that an executable named either BA3-SNPS or ba3-snps is present in your path. The autotune program will test for the presence of BA3-SNPS and report if it is not found. Please note that the autotune program is not compatible with Dr. Bruce Rannala's version of BA3 because I have altered some command line options.
Future development of this program will no longer support Python 2.7.x. However, I have made the source code available as version 1.0.0 on the "releases" page of this repository.
I now provide a Docker container to streamline the installation process. If you want to avoid potential issues with dependencies or manual setup, then this is now the recommended method for running the program. To get started, pull the Docker image using the following command:
docker pull mussmann/ba3snps:1.0
Launch the container by placing the "" script in the folder from which you want to run the container, then executing it as shown below. This script can be found in the "Docker" folder of the BayesAss3-SNPs repository.
This script creates a folder named "data" in the directory on your machine from which you launched the Docker container. You can put any input files for ba3snps into this folder and they will be accessible inside the container (in /app/data/). Any outputs written to this folder and any of its subdirectories will still be accessible after you exit the container. If you write any output to other locations inside the container, they will be lost upon exit. In addition to BA3-SNPs, the script from the BayesAss3-SNPs repository, BA3-SNPS-autotune, and file conversion scripts ( and are also installed in your $PATH in this container.
You can run the program to print help options with the following command:
./ -h
List of current required options:
- -i / --immanc: Specify an immanc-formatted file that will be passed by the program to BA3-SNPs.
- -l / --loci: Specify the number of loci in the input file.
Optional arguments:
- -b / --burnin: Specify the number of generations to be discarded as burnin by BA3-SNPs. (Default = 1,000 generations)
- -g / --generations: Specify the number of generations for each BA3-SNPS run. (Default = 10,000 generations)
- -o / --out: Specify a bayesass output file name. (Default = "output.txt")
- -r / --reps: Specify the maximum number of sequential BA3-SNPS runs to be conducted. The program will exit early if suitable mixing parameters are detected by the program before conducting all of the specified runs. Generally, running >10 replicates is not helpful as the largest jumps in parameter values occur in the earliest replicates (~ the first 5). Part of this command's purpose is to prevent the program from running forever if acceptable parameters cannot be found for a file. (Default = 10)
- -s / --seed: Specify the random number seed to be used by BA3-SNPs (Default = 10).
The following command will perform 10 repetitions of the program, each time discarding 10,000 generations as burnin and running for 100,000 generations. The input file is reported to contain 1,000 SNPs:
./ -i infile.immanc -l 1000 -b 10000 -g 100000 -r 10
You can test the program using the provided example file (located in the example_files folder of this repository):
./ -i spd_ARU+182+BOU.str.immanc -l 4819 -r 5
While running, the commands directed to BA3-SNPS will be printed to stdout, as well as the repetition number currently in progress.
BA3-SNPS-autotune retains the output files for the run from which the optimal mixing parameters were derived. For the example line of code above, the following outputs will be produced:
- output.txt: The output produced by the final run of BA3-SNPS. This file includes all parameters used to execute BA3-SNPS, as well as per-locus calculations performed by BA3-SNPS.
- infile.immanc.N.stdout: One file will be produced for each run of BA3-SNPS, where N is replaced by the repetition number. This file contains all information that BA3-SNPS would have printed to stdout. For example, if suitable mixing parameters are found in the 3rd run of the program, the files infile.immanc.1.stdout, infile.immanc.2.stdout, and infile.immanc.3.stdout will be produced.
- infile.immanc.finalParams.txt: This file contains the final values for the m, a, and f mixing parameters needed to run BA3-SNPS.
- infile.indiv.txt: This is the indiv file produced by the final run of BA3-SNPS. It contains individual migrant ancestries.
- infile.trace.txt: This is the MCMC trace file produced by the final run of BA3-SNPS. It can be loaded into a program such as Tracer for assessment (
- Added Docker container.
- Added option for random number seed.
- Converted the program to support Python3.
- Added a function to check for a BA3-SNPS installation.