Adds typed attributes to Vident ViewComponent components.
class ApplicationComponent < ::Vident::Typed::ViewComponent::Base
For more details see vident.
Before we dive into a specific example note that there are some components implemented in test/dummy/app/components
Try them out by starting Rails:
cd test/dummy
bundle install
rails assets:precompile
rails s
and visiting http://localhost:3000
First is an example component that uses Vident::Typed::ViewComponent::Base
but no Stimulus features.
It is an avatar component that can either be displayed as an image or as initials.
It supports numerous sizes and shapes and can optionally have a border. It also generates a cache key for use in fragment caching or etag generation.
class AvatarComponent < ::Vident::Typed::ViewComponent::Base
include ::Vident::Tailwind
include ::Vident::Caching
with_cache_key :attributes
attribute :url, String, allow_nil: true, allow_blank: false
attribute :initials, String, allow_blank: false
attribute :shape, Symbol, in: %i[circle square], default: :circle
attribute :border, :boolean, default: false
attribute :size, Symbol, in: %i[tiny small normal medium large x_large xx_large], default: :normal
def default_html_options
if image_avatar?
{ class: "inline-block object-contain", src: url, alt: t(".image") }
{ class: "inline-flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-500" }
def element_classes
[size_classes, shape_class, border? ? "border" : ""]
alias_method :image_avatar?, :url?
def shape_class
(shape == :circle) ? "rounded-full" : "rounded-md"
def size_classes
case size
when :tiny
"w-6 h-6"
when :small
"w-8 h-8"
when :medium
"w-12 h-12"
when :large
"w-14 h-14"
when :x_large
"sm:w-24 sm:h-24 w-16 h-16"
when :xx_large
"sm:w-32 sm:h-32 w-24 h-24"
"w-10 h-10"
def text_size_class
case size
when :tiny
when :small
when :medium
when :large
"sm:text-xl text-lg"
when :extra_large
"sm:text-2xl text-xl"
<%= render root(
element_tag: image_avatar? ? :img : :div,
html_options: default_html_options
) do %>
<% unless image_avatar? %>
<span class="<%= text_size_class %> font-medium leading-none text-white"><%= initials %></span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Example usages:
<!-- These will render -->
<%= render "", initials: "AB" size: :large) %>
<%= render "", html_options: {alt: "My alt text", class: "object-scale-down"}) %>
<%= render "SG", size: :small) %>
<%= render "SG", size: :large, html_options: {class: "border-2 border-red-600"}) %>
<!-- These will raise an error -->
<!-- missing initals -->
<%= render "", size: :large) %>
<!-- initials blank -->
<%= render "", size: :large) %>
<!-- invalid size -->
<%= render "SG", size: :foo_bar) %>
The following is rendered when used render "SG", size: :small, border: true)
<div class="avatar-component w-8 h-8 rounded-full border inline-flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-500" id="avatar-component-9790427-12">
<span class="text-xs font-medium leading-none text-white">SG</span>
The following is rendered when used render "", initials: "AB", html_options: {alt: "My alt text", class: "block"})
<img src="" alt="My alt text" class="avatar-component w-10 h-10 rounded-full object-contain block" id="avatar-component-7083941-11">
Consider the following ERB that might be part of an application's views. The app uses ViewComponent
, Stimulus
and Vident
The Greeter is a component that displays a text input and a button. When the button is clicked, the text input's value is used to greet the user. At the same time the button changes to be a 'reset' button, which resets the greeting when clicked again.
<%# app/views/home/index.html.erb %>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- render the Greeter ViewComponent (that uses Vident) -->
<%= render "Hey!", html_options: {class: "my-4"}) do |greeter| %>
<%# this component has a slot called `trigger` that renders a `ButtonComponent` (which also uses Vident) %>
<% greeter.with_trigger(
# The button component has attributes that are typed
before_clicked: "Greet",
after_clicked: "Greeted! Reset?",
# A stimulus action is added to the button that triggers the `greet` action on the greeter stimulus controller.
# This action will be added to any defined on the button component itself
actions: [
greeter.action(:click, :greet),
# We can also override the default button classes of our component, or set other HTML attributes
html_options: {
class: "bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700"
) %>
<% end %>
<!-- ... -->
The output HTML of the above, using Vident, is:
<div class="greeter-component py-2 my-4"
data-greeter-component-pre-click-class="text-md text-gray-500"
data-greeter-component-post-click-class="text-xl text-blue-700"
<input type="text"
class="shadow appearance-none border rounded py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline">
<button class="button-component ml-4 whitespace-no-wrap bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700"
data-action="click->greeter-component#greet button-component#changeMessage"
data-button-component-after-clicked-message="Greeted! Reset?"
<!-- you can also use the `target_tag` helper to render targets -->
<span class="ml-4 text-md text-gray-500"
Let's look at the components in more detail.
The main component is the GreeterComponent
# app/components/greeter_component.rb
class GreeterComponent < ::Vident::ViewComponent::Base
renders_one :trigger, ButtonComponent
<%# app/components/greeter_component.html.erb %>
<%# Rendering the `root` element creates a tag which has stimulus `data-*`s, a unique id & other attributes set. %>
<%# The stimulus controller name (identifier) is derived from the component name, and then used to generate the relavent data attribute names. %>
<%= render root named_classes: {
pre_click: "text-md text-gray-500", # named classes are exposed to Stimulus as `data-<controller>-<name>-class` attributes
post_click: "text-xl text-blue-700",
html_options: {class: "py-2"}
} do |greeter| %>
<%# `greeter` is the root element and exposes methods to generate stimulus targets and actions %>
<input type="text"
<%= greeter.as_target(:name) %>
class="shadow appearance-none border rounded py-2 px-3 text-gray-700 leading-tight focus:outline-none focus:shadow-outline">
<%# Render the slot %>
<%= trigger %>
<%# you can also use the `target_tag` helper to render targets %>
<%= greeter.target_tag(
# Stimulus named classes can be referenced to set class attributes at render time
class: "ml-4 #{greeter.named_classes(:pre_click)}"
) do %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
// app/components/greeter_component_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
// This is a Stimulus controller that is automatically registered for the `GreeterComponent`
// and is 'sidecar' to the component. You can see that while in the ERB we use Ruby naming conventions
// with snake_case Symbols, here they are converted to camelCase names. We can also just use camelCase
// in the ERB if we want.
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "name", "output" ]
static classes = [ "preClick", "postClick" ]
greet() {
this.clicked = !this.clicked;
this.outputTarget.classList.toggle(this.preClickClasses, !this.clicked);
this.outputTarget.classList.toggle(this.postClickClasses, this.clicked);
if (this.clicked)
this.outputTarget.textContent = `Hello, ${this.nameTarget.value}!`
clear() {
this.outputTarget.textContent = '...';
this.nameTarget.value = '';
The slot renders a ButtonComponent
# app/components/button_component.rb
class ButtonComponent < ::Vident::Typed::ViewComponent::Base
# The attributes can specify an expected type, a default value and if nil is allowed.
attribute :after_clicked, String, default: "Greeted!"
attribute :before_clicked, String, allow_nil: false
# This example is a templateless ViewComponent.
def call
# The button is rendered as a <button> tag with an click action on its own controller.
render root(
element_tag: :button,
# We can define actions as arrays of Symbols, or pass manually manually crafted strings.
# Here we specify the action name only, implying an action on the current components controller
# and the default event type of `click`.
actions: [:change_message],
# Alternatively: [:click, :change_message] or ["click", "changeMessage"] or even "click->button-component#changeMessage"
# A couple of data values are also set which will be available to the controller
data_maps: [{after_clicked_message: after_clicked, before_clicked_message: before_clicked}],
# The <button> tag has a default styling set directly on it. Note that
# if not using utility classes, you can style the component using its
# canonical class name (which is equal to the component's stimulus identifier),
# in this case `button-component`.
html_options: {class: "ml-4 whitespace-no-wrap bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"}
) do
// app/components/button_component_controller.js
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
// The action is in camelCase.
changeMessage() {
this.clicked = !this.clicked;
// The data attributes have their naming convention converted to camelCase.
this.element.textContent = this.clicked ?"afterClickedMessage") :"beforeClickedMessage");
How to use my plugin.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "vident-typed-view_component"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install vident-typed-view_component
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.