npm install @sterlingfs/store
Import the store
import Store from '@sterlingfs/store'
Make a store
function reducer((state, { type, payload}) => {
return { ...state, [type]: payload }
const store = Store(reducer)
Dispatch to the store
store.dispatch({ type: 'fetch', payload: 'awaiting})
Subscribe to the store
store.subscribe(({type, payload}, state) => {
// Update view
interface Store<S=any>(reducer: ReducerFunction, initState: S): Store {
// Replaces the existing state
pushState(state: S)
// Sends an action to the store
dispatch(action: Action)
// Callback receives last dispatched action and the new state that was returned after the action was reduced
subscribe(callback: SubscriptionCallback)
subscribeDispatch(callback: ActionCallback)
willDispatch(callback: ActionCallback)
interface Store<S=any>(reducer: ReducerFunction, initState: S): Store {
pushState(state: S): void;
dispatch(action: Action): void;
subscribe(callback: SubscriptionCallback): void;
subscribeDispatch(callback: ActionCallback): void;
willDispatch(callback: ActionCallback): void;
type Action = { type: string, payload: any };
type ReducerFunction = (state: S, action: Action) => S