This project simulates a micro smart farming system such as described here. This application is built using Java, and is based on an MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. For the view, i.e., the GUI, JSPs are utilized. This application system has two major components: the device (simulating a farmbot). and the central control system as a web-based application. The system considers 3 main user roles: farmers, farmbot suppliers, and plant (crop) buyers. Some of the main use cases implemented in this system are, for instance, growing and treating different crops, buying and selling crops in different lifecycle stages, and farmbot maintenance.
As this is a relatively complex system, and its design, purposes, technical specifications and application use cases are thoroughly described in the corresponding report, I kindly ask you to refer to that document if this topic and my specific implementation is of interest to you.
After this project was completed (actually, its first and only version, as it was developed for a software engineering course), I created a comprehensive, annotated video demonstrating the application, and also some of the code "behind the scenes". An access link will be provided here.