This module downloads and installs the dynatrace unified agent on windows and linux systems. To find details about installing OneAgent visit Dynatrace help page.
class{ 'dynatraceoneagent':
download_link => '',
This example will download the dynatrace one agent and connect it to the given dynatrace tenant.
This module is provided under BSD-3-Clause license. Please check out the details in the LICENSE.txt
Main class, includes everything else
The following parameters are available in the oneagent
The link to dynatrace one agent. You can get your link by following these steps
- Select Deploy Dynatrace from the navigation menu.
- Click the Start installation button. 3 For Linux
- For Windows
- Rightclick on "Download agent.exe" button and select "Copy link address"
- Use the link in your puppet config.
The owner of files. !! This user is not created by this module. Please make sure it exists. !!
The group for the owner of files.
Sets the number of days you want to keep logs. defaults to 14 days
String array with services that should be restarted after install/upgrade. defaults to an empty array -> no additional service restarts
A resource cleaning all files in a given directory that were not modified in the given time frame.
Installs the agent from and to the paths defined in the main class.
This resource is called after the installation of the dynatrace one agent to restart services that should be instrumented. You can define the services as a parameter of the main class: service_restarts
A resource wrapper for service stop and start.
A resource starting a given windows service.
A resource stopping a given windows service.
This module is designed for Windows and Linux systems. If it does not work for your environment please get in touch via the project site.