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Craft CMS scaffolding package, for internal projects by


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Craft CMS starter package by

This a scaffolding package for Craft CMS, by We use this internally to start new projects.

Assumptions made

We assume a couple of things

  • We use Ddev as our local development environment.

  • We use Postmark for email delivery.

  • We use TailwindCSS for our frontend build.

🛠 Usage

Before beginning make sure you have Ddev installed and your docker-engine is running. Otherwise the install process will fail on initialization.

Use the following command to set up a new project:

composer create-project statikbe/craft PATH

➡️ A Craft CMS project will be created. Next Craft asks to start the set-up:

   ______ .______          ___       _______ .___________.
  /      ||   _  \        /   \     |   ____||           |
 |  ,----'|  |_)  |      /  ^  \    |  |__   `---|  |----`
 |  |     |      /      /  /_\  \   |   __|      |  |
 |  `----.|  |\  \----./  _____  \  |  |         |  |
  \______|| _| `._____/__/     \__\ |__|         |__|

     A       N   E   W       I   N   S   T   A   L   L
               ______ .___  ___.      _______.
              /      ||   \/   |     /       |
             |  ,----'|  \  /  |    |   (----`
             |  |     |  |\/|  |     \   \
             |  `----.|  |  |  | .----)   |
              \______||__|  |__| |_______/

Generating an application ID ... done
Generating a security key ... done

Welcome to Craft CMS!

Are you ready to begin the setup? (yes|no) [yes]

➡️ The next questions will be asked:

  • Which database driver are you using? (mysql or pgsql)
  • Database server name or IP address []
  • Database port [3306]
  • Database username [root]
  • Database password
  • Database name
  • Database table prefix

➡️ Using the above defaults suggested by craft, will allow you to connect to your Ddev database and the installation will continue.

  • Install Craft now? [yes]
  • Email
  • Password
  • Confirm
  • Site name [NL]
  • Site URL [@baseUrl/nl]
  • Site language [nl-BE]

➡️ Craft is installed, the plugins are installed and the existing project config is applied! 🚀

Now we're ready to initiate the Statik set-up:


ddev craft statik/setup

➡️ This will give you the following options/ask you the following questions:

       _______.___________.    ___   .___________.__   __  ___
        /       |           |   /   \  |           |  | |  |/  /
       |   (----`---|  |----`  /  ^  \ `---|  |----|  | |  '  /
        \   \       |  |      /  /_\  \    |  |    |  | |    <
    .----)   |      |  |     /  _____  \   |  |    |  | |  .  \
    |_______/       |__|    /__/     \__\  |__|    |__| |__|\__\

       A     N  E  W     C  R  A  F  T     P  R  O  J  E  C  T
  • Enter a new system name
  • Do you want to remove the frontend account flow in Craft?

If you continue the next sections will be removed: confirmAccount, editPassword, editProfile, forgotPassword, forgotPasswordConfirmation, login, profile, register, registrationCompleted, setPassword, setPasswordConfirmation

  • Do you want to use Postmark for email transport? (yes|no)
    • Enter a Postmark API key
  • Enter an emailaddress to use for testing on staging environments
  • Do you want to set up a git repo for this project? (yes|no)
    • Add a remote?
  • Do you want to initialize git-flow? (yes|no)

➡️ The installation is ready!

🎨 Frontend Setup

We use tailwindscss and vite.js

  • vite.config.js
  • tailwind.config.js

Getting started

[optional] nvm install
yarn install

Afterwards you can build using

yarn dev


yarn watch

CSS and Javascript

tailoff/css and tailoff/js

Favicon Add an svg in tailoff/img/ called favicon.svg and run

yarn favicon

Icons Icon go in the folder tailoff/icons

🧪 Testing

There are two tests added to the frontend stack. An A11y tester that uses pa11y-ci under the hood. And a html tester that we wrote ourself, inspired by the pa11y code, that uses html-validate under the hood. You can call them by using these commands:

$ yarn test-a11y
$ yarn test-html

They both use the BASE_URL variable from the .env file to get the craft sitemap. This sitemap gets parsed to get a list of all url's in the site. And the tests are then performed on these URL's.

Attention To get the tester running on your local system. Run the following command in your terminal

export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem"

⚙️ Development

To work on this repo you can clone it like you would a regular project:

git clone craft

⭐️ Features & support

We'd love the hear your suggestions and review your pull requests, but keep in mind that is repo is for internal projects first.