Config files for sublime-text and sublime-merge
They go into ~/.config/sublime-{text|merge}/
- A File Icon
- Color Highlighter
- Comments Aware Enter
- EditorConfig
- Emmet (for web design)
- Expand Selection to Quotes
- LSP-pylsp – convenience package for python-lsp-server, or see custom installation in Python LSP
- LSP-rust-analyer – requires
(can be installed via rustup) - LSP-json
- MarkdownPreview
- MarkdownEditing
- RustEnhanced
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeLinter-annotations – for marking TODO, WARNING, etc
- Path Tools
- Pretty JSON – format and validate JSON files
- rainbow_csv
- DocBlockr – if using C/C++/JavaScript/PHP
Either install the LSP-pylsp sublime package for convenience, or for the absolute latest version of all packages, do this:
pip3 install --user python-lsp-server[all] python-lsp-ruff pyls-isort
NOTE: python-lsp-black seems to be unnecessary since new versions of LSP and causes problems with duplicate black plugins
And then override command
and env
settings in LSP-pylsp.sublime-settings.
- Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting
- fish
- GraphQL
- INI – for tox.ini etc
- Just – for justfile
- RPM Spec Syntax
- Sass
- Typst – if using Typst
- Color scheme: Boxy Yesterday
- Theme: Default