This is a project I completed for my PSTAT 131 - Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning class at UCSB.
The "PSTAT131Final.Rproj" file contains this project.
The full project report is available at "PSTAT-131-Final-Project.html".
You can view the R Markdown file that was knitted into the completed HTML file at "PSTAT 131 Final Project.Rmd".
The "weather_codebook.txt" file contains information on each of the columns in my dataset.
The ".RData" files are saved versions of each of my models: a regression decision tree, a random forest with bootstrap aggregation, a boosted trees model, and a linear regression model.
"DecisionTree.txt" contains a Google Drive link to the full visualization of my regression decision tree model. Since the image was 1.09 GB in size, I could not include it in the final project. As such, I included a screenshot instead.
"weatherdatanew.csv" is my raw data file. Data was collected from Weather Underground and cleaned manually.
"eda.R" is my Exploratory Data Analysis file.