VIP Cyclops is a 2D game developed using SDL2, where the player controls a cyclops character that collects coins while avoiding blockers. The character grows in size each time a coin is collected, and the game ends if the cyclops collides with a blocker. The player can reset the game by clicking the "Play Again" button when the game is over.
- SDL2
- SDL2_ttf
- SDL2_image
Install SDL2, SDL2_ttf, and SDL2_image libraries (on Debian-based systems):
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-image-dev
Clone the repository:
git clone <repository_url> cd <repository_directory>
Build the project:
Run the game:
make run
By default, it uses the DejaVuSans-Bold font. You can specify a different font path if desired:
./main /path/to/your/font.ttf
- Arrow Keys: Move the cyclops
- Mouse Click: Click on "Play Again" to reset the game after game over
: Main source code for the gameMakefile
: Makefile for building the projectassets/cyclops.png
: Image file for the cyclops characterassets/coin.png
: Image file for the coin
: Build the projectclean
: Remove the built filesrebuild
: Clean and build the projectrun
: Run the game with a default font
Enjoy the game! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository.