- Name: hls
- Package:
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/stactools-hls/
- Owner: @pjhartzell
- Dataset homepage: https://www.earthdata.nasa.gov/esds/harmonized-landsat-sentinel-2
- STAC extensions used:
- Extra fields:
: "HLSL30" (Landsat) or "HLSS30" (Sentinel) product
Use this repository to create STAC Items and Collections for HLS data.
- Collection
- HLSL30 Item (Landsat)
- HLSS30 Item (Sentinel)
$ pip install stactools-hls
To create a single STAC Item from a HLS COG file:
$ stac hls create-item <COG file path> <output directory>
Only a single COG file from the set comprising an HLS granule needs to be passed. However, the COG must be for one of the electro-optical (EO) bands.
To create a STAC Collection, enter COG file paths into a text file with one file path per line. Each file must be from a distinct HLS granule. Then pass the text file to the create-collection
$ stac hls create-collection <text file path> <output directory>
To create the files in the examples
$ stac hls create-collection examples/file-list.txt examples
We use pre-commit to check any changes. To set up your development environment:
$ pip install -e .
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ pre-commit install
To check all files:
$ pre-commit run --all-files
To run the tests:
$ pytest -vv