- Name: esa-cci-lc
- Package:
- stactools-esa-cci-lc on PyPI
- Owner: @m-mohr
- Dataset homepage:
- STAC extensions used:
- Extra fields:
: Land cover product version.esa_cci_lc:tile
: Geographic coordinate of the lower left corner of the COG tile, rounded to the nearest degree, e.g., N45W180.
- Browse the example in human-readable form
A stactools package for ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Land Cover (LC) product. The ESA CCI LC dataset provides global maps describing the land surface classes, which have been defined using the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's (UN FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS). In addition to the land cover (LC) maps, four quality flags are produced to document the reliability of the classification and change detection.
Two STAC Collections, and corresponding Items, can be generated with this package:
- esa-cci-lc: A Collection of COG tiles generated from the source NetCDF data files.
- esa-cci-lc-netcdf: A Collection describing the source NetCDF data files.
If you are interested in creating single STAC Items for each source NetCDF file along with worldwide COGs (not tiled), see release v0.1.0.
The example Collections and Items in the examples
directory can be created by running ./scripts/create_examples.py
pip install stactools-esa-cci-lc
To create the NetCDF Collection:
stac esa-cci-lc netcdf create-collection collection.json
To convert a NetCDF to tiled COGs and create an Item for each tile:
stac esa-cci-lc cog create-items /path/to/source/file.nc /path/to/output/directory
Use stac esa-cci-lc --help
to see all subcommands and options.
We use pre-commit to check any changes. To set up your development environment:
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
To check all files:
pre-commit run --all-files
To run the tests:
pytest -vv