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OpenStack Container Clusters

This role can be used to manipulate container cluster in Magnum using the Magnum python client.


  • python 2.6+
  • openstacksdk
  • python-magnumclient
  • python-heatclient
  • python-novaclient

Role Variables

os_container_infra_cloud is the name of the cloud ( configured inside cloud.yaml, optional).

os_container_infra_user is the name of the SSH user, e.g. fedora.

os_container_infra_state must be either present, absent, query or upgrade.

os_container_infra_cluster_name is the name of the cluster.

os_container_infra_cluster_template_name is the cluster template to use for the cluster.

os_container_infra_keypair is the keypair to use to access the cluster nodes.

os_container_infra_master_count is the number of master nodes.

os_container_infra_node_count is the number of worker nodes.

os_container_infra_default_interface is the default network to use to reach the cluster.

os_container_infra_interfaces is a list of additional networks to attach to cluster nodes.

os_container_infra_inventory is the destination where the inventory will be saved to. attach to the servers in a cluster since Magnum only allows attachment of one network interface by default.

os_container_infra_environment_group is an optional Ansible group name to which all cluster hosts and localhost will be added. This can be useful if there is a single group that represents an environment such as development/staging/production.

os_container_infra_coe is container orchestration engine to use. Valid options are kubernetes or swarm.

os_container_infra_k8s_version is a configurable Kubernetes version to use when os_container_infra_state = upgrade.

Example Playbook

The following playbook creates a cluster, attaches two interfaces to servers in the cluster and creates an inventory file using authentication information available in the environment variables (which is the default behaviour):

- hosts: localhost
  become: False
  gather_facts: False
  - role: stackhpc.os-container-infra
    os_container_infra_user: fedora
    os_container_infra_state: present
    os_container_infra_cluster_name: k8s
    os_container_infra_cluster_template_name: k8s-fa29
    - name: storage_client
      groups: ["{{ os_container_infra_worker_group }}"]
    os_container_infra_keypair: bharat
    os_container_infra_default_interface: default
      - name: master
        count: 1
      - name: minion
        count: 2

To authenticate using information passed via playbook, supply a dictionary variable as given:

      project_name: p3
      username: username
      password: password
      user_domain_name: Default
      project_domain_name: Default
      region_name: RegionOne

To authenticate using the information stored inside .config/openstack/clouds.yaml or /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml which can be generated using our stackhpc.os-config role, append the following:

    os_container_infra_auth_type: cloud
    os_container_infra_cloud: mycloud

For upgrades of Kubernetes cluster:

    - hosts: cluster
      gather_facts: False
      become: yes
      - role: stackhpc.os-container-infra
        os_container_infra_state: upgrade
        os_container_infra_k8s_version: v1.13.4
        os_container_infra_coe: kubernetes

Ansible Debug Info

To view warnings emitted by this role, export the following following variable before running ansible:

export ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=ansible.log

To filter these warnings:

tail -f ansible.log | grep DEBUG

Known Issues

The template Ansible modules writes an inventory file and it may complain about missing libselinux-python which is already installed is most Linux distros. If thats the case, simply create a symlink to the selinux directory in your existing virtual environment:

ln -s /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/selinux/ venv/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/

For a new virtual environment:

virtualenv --system-site-packages venv


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