npm i -S redux-session-manager
Create a persistent store by enhancing createStore
import persistState from 'redux-session-manager';
import { createStore, compose } from 'redux';
const createPersistentStore = compose(persistState(options))(createStore);
// Pass along the same arguments you would have to createStore
const store = createPersistentStore(reducers, preloadedState);
To apply enhancers, like applyMiddlware, pass it to the left of persistState in compose
const persistentStoreWithMiddleware = compose(
If you are using ImmutableJS via redux-immutable
for example, just change the import to
import persistState from 'redux-session-manager/lib/immutable';
Property | Type | Required? | Description |
name | string | yes | This will be the key in sessionStorage for the serialized state |
exclude | array[string|array] | no | An array containing either a string representing the reducer to exclude, or an array of [reducerName, keyPaths] where keyPaths can be either a string for a direct property of the reducer, or an array representing the keyPath to the property to be excluded. |
Use the exclude option to specify which properties you do not want to serialize to the store
Here is an example using Redux Dev Tools Extension, redux-thunk, redux-logger;
import persistState from 'redux-session-manager';
import { compose, createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import logger from 'redux-logger';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import reducers from './reducers';
const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose;
const middleware = [ thunk, logger ];
const createPersistentStoreWithMiddleware = composeEnhancers(
name: "sampleStore"
const store = createPersistentStoreWithMiddleware(reducers, /* preloadedState */);