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Using your own images

Steven Selph edited this page Jun 4, 2016 · 1 revision

Scraping metadata and using your own images and download images you are missing

If you already have images you'd like to use and they are named in a uniform way, you can place them in the target image location and the scraper won't overwrite the image. By default the scraper assumes images for rom_name.rom will be named rom_name-image.jpg or rom_name-image.png. If your images have a different suffix (lets say -test) you can pass the flag -image_suffix="-test" or a common one is -image_suffix="" for no suffix. If we want to add an entry even if there isn't a matching rom in the DB we can use -add_not_found.

So for an example: We have roms in folder named roms and the roms in the folder are named fun_game.bin and boring_game.bin. We have images named fun_game.png and boring_game.png. We are going to do the default locations for images and gamelist so we make a directory roms/images and place the images there. Then we run the scraper from the rom directory like so:

scraper -add_not_found -image_suffix="" -no_thumb

or on windows

scraper.exe -add_not_found -image_suffix="" -no_thumb

The -no_thumb just tells the scraper to not add thumbnails. Thumbnails are used in ES so they aren't needed.

Only using your own images

If you don't want to download any images you are missing you can follow the steps above but also pass the flag -download_images=false like so

scraper -add_not_found -image_suffix="" -no_thumb -download_images=false

Not downloading metadata

If you don't want the scraper to do anything except create an gamelist that displays your images you can do the steps above but also pass -use_gdb=false which disables the only available data source so no scraping can take place.

scraper -add_not_found -image_suffix="" -no_thumb -download_images=false -use_gdb=false