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SS58 Registry

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A list of known SS58 account types as an enum, typically used by the Polkadot, Kusama or Substrate ecosystems.

These are derived from the json data file in this repository which contains entries like this:

	"prefix": 5,                       // unique u16
	"network": "astar",                // unique no spaces
	"displayName": "Astar Network",    //
	"symbols": ["ASTR"],               // symbol for each instance of the Balances pallet (usually one)
	"decimals": [18],                  // decimals for each symbol listed
	"standardAccount": "*25519",       // Sr25519, Ed25519 or secp256k1
	"website": "" // website or code repository of network


  1. Fork and clone this repo.

  2. Add an additional account type to ss58-registry.json (contiguous prefixes are better).

  3. Bump the minor (middle) version number of the Cargo.toml by running:

cargo install cargo-bump && cargo bump minor
  1. Run git stage, commit, push and then raise a pull request.

  2. Once the PR has landed, one of the admins can create a new release. This will release the new version to



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