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srpg edited this page Aug 28, 2021 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the quakesounds wiki!

How to add more sounds to download:

  1. Go to addons/source-python/plugins/quakesound/download/download.txt
  2. Open download.txt and add "sound/quake/sound name.mp3/wav"

How to add more sounds to play

  1. Go to addons/source-python/plugins/quakesound/
  2. Go to line 90
  3. At line 90 you will see: _sounds = {5: 'multikill.mp3', 6: 'rampage.mp3', 7: 'killingspree.mp3', 9: 'dominating.mp3', 15: 'ultrakill.mp3', 18: 'ludicrouskill.wav', 20: 'wickedsick.mp3', 21: 'monsterkill.mp3', 23: 'holyshit.mp3', 24: 'godlike.mp3', 32: 'bottomfeeder.mp3', 35: 'unstoppable.mp3'}
  4. Add inside of _sounds = {Value: 'Your sound.mp3/wav'} The value is how many kills will require a sound to be played
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