A bridge between FreePBX SMS and Pushover
- Create a Pushover account
- Set up the SMS Webhook to be something such as http://yourhost.example.com:21439 ( see 'port' setting below.) I recommend running this as localhost only. Set the webhook to 'receive'.
- Create the file
. ("//" entries are comments.)
"port": 21439,
"routing": {
"default": {
"user": "<pushover user key or group key for default routing>"
"12125551212": {
"user": "<pushover user key or group key>"
"18185551212": {
"user": "<pushover user key or group key>"
"PUSHOVER_USER": "<pushover user to be used as a last resort>",
is not set, they will be pulled from the environment. See pushover-notifications
Update the 'routing' part of config.json to custom route messages.
{ "to": "18185551212",
"from": "12125551212",
"adaptor": "Sipstation",
"time": "Wed, 31 Dec 1969 18:00:00 -0600",
"message": "Hello, world!",
"eventDirection": "in" }
Note: We can’t be responsible for any results from use or misuse of this alpha level software. Please check everything carefully and review the code.