Code repository for Presidential Election Predictions.
Step 0: Create twitter applications on and Fill in the tokens and secrets from the app - in the file
Step 1: Create conda environment or any virtual environment of your choice:
conda create -n twitter-scraper python=3.6
Step 2: Activate conda environment
source activate twitter-scraper
Step 3: Download all requirements
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
Step 4: Install tweepy separately
pip install tweepy
Step 5: Run
- config.json file under twitter-scraper module contains the required configurations
create a config.json file inside twitter-scraper directory, and currently the file takes the following structure
"twitter-keys": {
"consumer_key": "",
"consumer_secret": "",
"access_token": ",
"access_token_secret": ""
Types of errors encountered:-
- If you encounter this error:
------Error Encountered: Expecting value: line X column Y (char 0) ------
******Check your JSON File: data/alltweets.json ******
- Check the alltweets.json file.
- Scroll to the very end to make sure that the JSON file is correct.
- If the file has an incomplete JSON (encounterd if the process was killed mid-way) remove the last json object from the list, close the list, save the file and run again.
- You can cross check to see that the lastId.txt file must now hold the id of the last JSON object in the alltweets.json file.
- It is common to face errors while scraping tweets data for the following reasons:
- {'code': 63, 'message': 'User has been suspended.'}
- {'code': 144, 'message': 'No status found with that ID.'}
- {'code': 179, 'message': 'Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status.'}
- {'code': 88, 'message': 'Rate limit exceeded'}
In the last case, the program will execute a sleep of 200s and automatically continue hence. All other errors are ignored and the tweetids skipped.
Stopping/Pausing the program
You can stop the process when ever needed. To continue, just run the program again. It will resume from the last end point.
To deactivate your venv:
source deactivate
To remove your venv:
conda env remove -n twitter-scraper