Mongoose -> Neo4J plugin / middleware
- node / iojs
- mongoose
$ npm i -S moneo
-- View on npmjs
var moneo = require("moneo")({url:'http://localhost:7474'});
!!! Connection string must of course be changed... !!!
To mark schema property to be stored into a neo4j node property add nodeProperty: true
. Default is false.
SomeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
firstName: {type: String, nodeProperty: true}, // Will be persisted to neo4j
lastName: {type: String, nodeProperty: true}, // Will be persisted to neo4j
mongoSpecificValue1: {type: String, nodeProperty: false}, // Will not be persisted to neo4j
mongoSpecificValue2: String // Will not be persisted to neo4j
Simple ref properties will be used to create relations. Use relName:'Relation Name'
to specify relation name.
SomeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
teacher: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'OtherSchema', relName: "Taught By"},
A nested schema including a ref property will be used to create relations with properties. e.g.
SomeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
supervisor: {
person: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'OtherSchema', relName: "Supervised By"},
startDate: Date
Array of ref properties will be used to create multiple relations. e.g.
SomeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
students: [{type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'OtherSchema', relName: 'Teaches'}]
Array of objects that include a ref property will be used to create multiple relations with relation properties. e.g.
SomeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
takenClasses: [{
class: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'OtherSchema',relName:'Takes Class'},
grade: Number,
year: Number
To run a cypher query the static model cypherQuery(opts,cb,_tx)
function can be used. It behaves the same as neo4j.GraphDatabase.cypher(options,cb,_tx)
SomeModel.cypherQuery({query: 'match (n:Person)-[r:Takes_Class]-(c:Class) return n,r,c'}, function (err, res) {
// if ok - res contains results...
test-for-moneo project demonstrates the usage of moneo. It covers the above mentioned functionality examples.
- Keep my code style
- Add/maintain tests
- Don't break what you can't fix :)