NOTICE: This tool is OBSOLETE as of 3/8/25! View the updated code!
This tool is a simple, web-based informational tool that allows you to get certain information from a quick copy-and-paste of an eBay search page. It gives the average price of all listings, the average shipping price of all listings, and the recommended price for a listing. Keep in mind that this price should be used as a "point in the right direction" for the actual price of your listing.
I built this tool because I wanted to get into flipping items for a profit on eBay. I created it with the intent of saving time on calculating a spreadsheet filled with different listings manually. All you have to do with this tool is copy all of the page content and simply paste it into the big textarea and click the button. It spits out all kinds of useful information such as average pricing (shipping price and listing price) and even gives you an inferred, recommended price for a listing.
Visit the website ( or download the ebaypricinginfo.html
As stated in the license, I, the developer, am not responsible for any type of loss resulting from the use of this tool. This tool is meant to serve as a reference/guide for your pricing. This means that this isn't the magic tool to solve all of your problems, nor is the output produced by the tool financial advice. In other words, this tool is far from perfect.
This project is licensed under the Zlib license. See LICENSE
for more information.