This is the first sample of my experience with Spring Cloud and Vaadin.
Hopefully I find some time during the Easter holidays to add some more documentation here.
The simplest way to run the sample is to start the applications with the Spring Boot Dashboard of your IDE.
First you have to start the config-service
application because the configuration is centralized. The
files could be found here:
After that, order doesn't matter for the start of the other applications:
1) Check if applications are registered in Eureka
Open Eureka dashboard http://localhost:8761/
and check if the applications are listed
2) Check if none-proxied Vaadin application is reachable
Open http://localhost:7070/simple-vaadin-application/
and check if you could see the 'Hello World'
3) Check if proxy service has discovered the simple-vaadin-application
Open health endpoint of proxy service http://localhost:8080/health
and check if the simple-vaadin-application
is in the application list of Eureka indicator.
4) Open proxied Vaadin application
Open http://localhost:8080/simple-vaadin-application
and check if you could see the 'Hello World'.
Finally have a look on the address bar of the browser if you are still using the proxied Vaadin application.