Device agnostic shared code for OSX and IOS.
- Configuration files based on environment
- Unit tests
- Backbone's Models
- Backbone's Collections
- Reflux Actions
- Reflux Stores
- Utils:
- Github API services wrapper
- Logger class
- Storage abstraction class
Squid is build on top of cool open source projects such as:
All data are served by the Github API.
This package is not intended to be used as a stand alone library but you might need to install it for development purpose with the following command:
$ npm install
The application client ID and his secret are stored into a JSON file called github.json
at the project's root. For obvious security reasons this file is not published. See Unit Tests' section for more details about file content.
// New Squid Core instance
var SquidCore = require('squid-core')
// Setup instance with custon settings
locale: {
logger: false
, github: {
credentials: {
client_id: GITHUB.client_id
, client_secret: GITHUB.client_secret
, envName: 'test'
SquidCore._VERSION // return '0.4.0'
// Get config value
.getConfig('github.pagination') // return '50'
// New User model
var username = 'michael'
, model = SquidCore.model('user')
, user = new model({ name: username })
user.get('name') // return 'michael'
First you need to add the ./github.json
to the package root with the following content:
"client_id": "xxxx",
"client_secret": "xxxx"
"username": "a-valid-gitub-username",
"password": "a-valid-gitub-password",
"token": "a-valid-oauth-token-or-false"
Then run the following command to perform unit tests:
$ npm test
See the roadmap future developments.
Squid is MIT licensed
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.