Given a set of input-output examples (tables), SQUARES returns the desired query in R and in SQL. SQUARES is built on top of Trinity. Therefore, the same packages are required.
- Prerequisite:
- python 3.6+
How to use:
using Jupyter Notebook:
- Go to jupyter-notebook folder and launch the jupyter notebook and select demo.ipynb:
jupyter notebook
- Go to jupyter-notebook folder and launch the jupyter notebook and select demo.ipynb:
using Google Colab:
- save the google colab doc to your account and run it.
using python3 directly:
python3 [tree|lines] [flags -h, ...]
- Flags:
+ -h : help
+ -on : computing symmetries online
+ -off : computing symmetries offline
+ -nr : only SQL query
+ -d : debug info
Default: lines enumerator and without symmetry breaking
-- Input Files (.in): Some examples can be found in tests-examples folder
-- Files required to integrate SQUARES in Trinity:
- tyrell/enumerator/
- tyrell/enumerator/lattices
- tyrell/enumerator/
- (modified)
Instalation: You can either use (1) anaconda or (2) python and R packages.
- Install anaconda
- run
chmod +x bash conda activate squares chmod +x bash
every time before using SQUARES run:
conda activate squares
-- Python packages (install using pip or conda):
- sqlparse
- z3-solver
- sexpdata
- click
- rpy2
-- R packages (install using conda or R console):
- dplyr
- dbplyr
- tidyr
- stringr
- Pedro Orvalho, Miguel Terra-Neves, Miguel Ventura, Ruben Martins and Vasco Manquinho. SQUARES : A SQL Synthesizer Using Query Reverse Engineering. VLDB 2020.
- Pedro Orvalho, Miguel Terra-Neves, Miguel Ventura, Ruben Martins and Vasco Manquinho. Encodings for Enumeration-Based Program Synthesis. CP 2019.
- Pedro Orvalho. SQUARES : A SQL Synthesizer Using Query Reverse Engineering. MSc Thesis. Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa. 2019.
- Ruben Martins, Jia Chen, Yanju Chen, Yu Feng, Isil Dillig. Trinity: An Extensible Synthesis Framework for Data Science. VLDB 2019.
- Yu Feng, Ruben Martins, Osbert Bastani, Isil Dillig. Program Synthesis using Conflict-Driven Learning. PLDI 2018.