This repository contains the source code for the TIBCO EMS Go client library.
This client is designed to work with the EMS 8.3 client libraries as shipped with TIBCO EMS.
- Pull a Docker image of TIBCO EMS from a private Docker registry:
export TIBCO_EMS_DOCKER_IMAGE=<docker-registry>:5000/tibco/tibco-ems:8.3.0
- Run a TIBCO EMS container
docker run --name ems -d -p 7222:7222 $TIBCO_EMS_DOCKER_IMAGE
- Extract TIBCO EMS directory
export TIBCO_EMS_DIRECTORY=/tmp/ems
docker export ems | tar -xf - -C $TIBCO_EMS_DIRECTORY
docker rm -f ems
- Export the cgo CFLAGS and LDFLAGS directives to the correct location of your local EMS client libraries:
export CGO_CFLAGS="-I. -I$TIBCO_EMS_DIRECTORY/opt/tibco/ems/8.3/include/tibems"
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L$TIBCO_EMS_DIRECTORY/opt/tibco/ems/8.3/lib -ltibems64"
- Build the library
git clone
cd ems
go build .
- Run a TIBCO EMS container
docker run --name ems -d -p 7222:7222 $TIBCO_EMS_DOCKER_IMAGE
- Launch Go tests
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TIBCO_EMS_DIRECTORY/opt/tibco/ems/8.3/lib
go test .
Please report bugs by raising issues for this project in github