Released: Wed Feb 21 2007
Small Syntax Change - the single line comment character is now
two hash signs, i.e. "## this is a comment". This avoids a common
collection with CSS selectors. -
the magic "coding" comment (i.e. # coding:utf-8) will still work with
either one "#" sign or two for now; two is preferred going forward, i.e.coding:.
new multiline comment form: "<%doc> a comment </%doc>"
UNDEFINED evaluates to False
improvement to scoping of "caller" variable when using <%call> tag
added lexer error for unclosed control-line (%) line
added "preprocessor" argument to Template, TemplateLookup - is a single
callable or list of callables which will be applied to the template text
before lexing. given the text as an argument, returns the new text. -
added mako.ext.preprocessors package, contains one preprocessor so far:
'convert_comments', which will convert single # comments to the new ##