Cypher application that will support encoding/decoding using Caesar, Polybius Square and Substition techniques. This is my favorite assignment so far. My 1st extra credit coding assignment in High School was to develop a cypher (code and decode) algorithm in Pascal. I really enjoy coding cypher alghorithms, and this app has 3. Woot!! 😃
The focus of this assignment was to demonstrate wide profiency across all JavaScript capabilities developed thus far into the program (and then some) in additon to unit tests.
My focus as a student has been purely on the JavaScript in the src folder in addition to unit tests in the test folder. The HTML and CSS were developed by THINKFUL.
I also added some techniques not covered such as while loops, and regex functions. It just seemed natural, and the solution called for it. 🙂
To view the page, please click this Decoder Ring link.