- Vivek Reddy Karri
- Sahil Papalkar
- Sanket Gopalkrishna Pai
- Saurabh Vinod Shingte
- Java 8
- MySQL 8.0
- Start a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Virtual Machine on VCL.
- How to get started: https://vcl.ncsu.edu/get-help/documentation/how-do-i-get-started/
- For Clear instructions: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/how-to-install-mysql-on-ubuntu-18-04
- wget –c https://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql-apt-config_0.8.11-1_all.deb
- sudo dpkg –i mysql-apt-config_0.8.11-1_all.deb (If you run into an error type this on the command line)
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install mysql-server
- NOTE: In this step, please set your db password and (Use Legacy Security Settings if prompted)
- mysql -u root -p (Enter) and then enter your password when prompted.
- If you are logged in, you are good to go.
- CREATE DATABASE HMS; (Inside the mysql prompt
- sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
- scp -r username@tohostname:/
- unzip HMS.zip
- All sql scripts are present in sql/ folder
- The Source code is written in utilities/ folders
- scripts for populating data in written in tests/ folder
- lib/ folder has necessary external jars.
- HMS.jar is the one to look out for.
- Edit the setup.sh file to set the HMS path accordingly
- Run the Setup File using "source setup.sh" command.
- Go to tests/Connect.java file, enter your mysql username and the password.
- Make sure you are in the HMSPATH or inside HMS folder.
- First compile the script which populated the DB.
- Follow the instructions as specified by the program.
Commands to run the script: 0) cd $HMSPATH
- javac tests/TestSchemaCreation.java
- java tests.TestSchemaCreation
- Enter 1 & 2.
- Edit the file utilities/ConnectDB.java with your username and pasword.
- Compile this java file (CMD: javac utilities/ConnectDB.java)
- Add this file to the HMS.jar on the home folder. (CMD: jar uf HMS.jar utilities/ConnectDB.class)
- Execute the jar to start the application (CMD: java -jar HMS.jar)
- You are good to go.