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Sebastien Pouliot edited this page Mar 2, 2011 · 1 revision


Assembly: Gendarme.Rules.Exceptions
Version: git


This rule will fire if an exception class is missing one or more of the following constructors:

  • public E () is required for XML serialization. Public access is required in case the assembly uses CAS to prevent reflection on non-public members.
  • public E (string message) is a .NET convention.
  • public E (string message, ..., Exception inner) is a .NET convention.
  • (non)public E (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) is required for binary serialization.


Bad example:

public class GeneralException : Exception {
    // access should be public
    private GeneralException ()

Good example:

public class GeneralException : Exception {
    public GeneralException ()
    public GeneralException (string message) : base (message)
    public GeneralException (string message, Exception inner) : base (message, inner)
    protected GeneralException (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base (info, context)


  • This rule is available since Gendarme 2.0

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