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Hello there 👋
💙 You can call me 'Morgs';
💻 Ada Lovelace's evangelist;
👑 Co-founder, coordinator and podcaster in Feministech;
🤩 Community Leader in GitHub Open Source Community SP;
🥑 Developer Relations and Tech Writer in BotCity;
⚔️ Moderator in Abacatinhos;
📝 Tech content creator;
⭐ Alura Star.
Why do I do all that 🤗
Because I love people, communities and technology. They are a big part of my life. And also, my principal goal is to help underrepresented groups in technology. That's why I'm here and always will be.
My passions 💙
I love to help people and to share knowledge. I really like to study, talk about, write and speak in tech events and conferences about:
- Diversity;
- Communities;
- Share knowledge and content;
- Developer Relations;
- Backend development;
- Kotlin and Python;
- Communication.
My contributions 📝
You can find them all bellow:
- my articles;
- speaking in tech events and conferences;
- events that I helped to organize;
- open source;
- podcasts;
- mentoring;
- co-creating or moderating communities;
- other contributions.
My history in technology 💻
I've been working as Developer Relations since March 2022, but I've been a developer since 2016, and I'm passionate about sharing knowledge with technology communities, which I've known and participated in since 2017. That's how I found myself as DevRel.
The communities sparked my interest in creating content, organizing events, moderating communities, and guiding and mentoring people, especially with a focus on diversity. I had this experience coordinating communities in 2017, with the co-creation of the community CaquiCoders in Alto Tietê and Vale do Paraíba, both regions of São Paulo. Even already participating in other communities, I had the opportunity to co-create Feministech and Kotlinautas.
With my work in communities and having started in the role of Developer Relations, I participate as a moderator in mentorship for people who are interested in the area or already work, called
Due to all my contributions to the technology communities, I received the award and recognition in 2022 and 2023 as Alura Star, an initiative to strengthen and expand the developer community in Brazil.
1 sponsor has funded morgannadev’s work.
Featured work
A ideia deste repositório é compartilhar sobre mulheres na tecnologia, mostrando que há muitas delas que transformaram e ainda transformam a área.
Neste repositório teremos palavras técnicas explicadas de maneira simples. Conteúdo tech para quem não é tech poder entender o que são aquelas palavrinhas que pessoas desenvolvedoras, pessoas SREs …