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Import Mail

Stanislav Nepochatov edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 5 revisions


IO module designed to import mail messages. Module can be configured to delete message after import or keep it marked. Also module can send response to the sender to inform of successful import of the message. Configuration may include list of email to receive message from and also mechanism to determine directory for importing.

Id: import-mail
Protocol: mail
Module class:


Spin up system with import mail instance of exchanger. Add scheme for importing mails. Compose email (preferably plain text) and send to import email address. Your address should be included in mailReadFromList. Wait response if mailSendReportBack is enabled and sender section is configured.

To specify directory in mail mailDirectoryList should contain list of directories. You can specify directory only from that list. To specify directories mail should start from symbol +. Example:


This is test message with specified directories by mail.

Header with directories will be removed from message content on import along with content trimming.


Following config params required for this IO module:

  • mailPop3Address - address of POP3 server to import from;
  • mailPop3Port - port of the pop3 mail server (default is 110);
  • mailPop3Login - login of user to mailbox;
  • mailPop3Password - password to mailbox;
  • mailPop3Security - type of security to connect to mailbox (NONE or SSL). Default is NONE;
  • mailPop3Debug - print additional debug information during processing. Disabled by default;
  • mailPop3PostAction - action for message after import (DELETE or MARK). Default is DELETE;
  • mailReadFromList - list of addresses to read from. Messages from unknow addresses will be ignored;
  • mailDirectoryList - list of directories which can be specified by sender. If unspecified then generalDirectory will be used;
  • mailCopyright - add copyright info on import. If unspecified then sender info will be used;
  • mailSendReportBack - enable sending report back to sendor on successuful import of the message. Disabled by default;
  • mailReportAdminAddress - adds address of admin mail to sending error reports;
  • mailSmtpAddress - address of SMTP server to send reports from. Required if mailSendReportBack is enabled;
  • mailSmtpLogin - login of user to mailbox to send report. If unspecified then mailPop3Login will be used;
  • mailSmtpPassword - password of user to mailbox to send report. If unspecified then mailPop3Password will be used;
  • mailSmtpPort - port of the smtp server (default is 25);
  • mailSmtpSecurity - type of security to connect to smtp (NONE or SSL). Default is NONE;
  • mailSmtpFrom - from address for sending report. Required if mailSendReportBack is enabled;
  • generalDirectory - directory to import messages. Required if mailDirectoryList not set;
  • generalTimeout - timeout in minutes between import runs;
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