This plugin adds PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Coding Standards Fixer, the PHP Linter and phpmd support to Sublime Text 2.
Use Sublime Text 2's Package Control (Preferences -> Package Control -> Install Package -> Phpcs) to install this plugin.
Simply checkout the git repo into “~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Phpcs or the equivalent folder on Windows or Linux.
This plugin adds support for running PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Coding Standards Fixer, the PHP linter and PHPMD from inside Sublime Text 2.
Right-click in the editor to:
- Sniff the current file
You can also open up the Command Palette (CTRL + SHIFT + P on Linux), and type 'PHP CodeSniffer' to see what you can do with PHP CodeSniffer in the currently open file.
For more information on how to run this plugin, visit here
You can configure:
- show_debug - Do you want the debug information to be sent to the console?
- extensions_to_execute - Which filetypes do you want the plugin to execute for?
- phpcs_execute_on_save - Do you want the code sniffer plugin to run on file save for php files?
- phpcs_show_errors_on_save - Do you want the errors to be displayed in quick_panel on save?
- phpcs_show_gutter_marks - Do you want the errors to be displayed in the gutter?
- phpcs_outline_for_errors - Do you want the errors to be highlighted in the editor?
- phpcs_show_errors_in_status - Do you want the errors to be displayed in status bar when clicking on the line with error?
- phpcs_show_quick_panel - Do you want the errors to be displayed in the quick panel?
- phpcs_sniffer_run - Do you want the PHPCS checker to run?
- phpcs_executable_path - The path to the phpcs executable. If empty string, use PATH to find it
- phpcs_additional_args - This is the extra information you want to pass to the phpcs command. For example which “standard” you want to run, and if you want to show warnings or not
PHP CodeSniffer Fixer
- php_cs_fixer_executable_path - The path to the php-cs-fixer application.
- php_cs_fixer_additional_args - This is the extra information you want to pass to the php-cs-fixer command. For example which "fixers" you want to run
PHP Linter
- phpcs_linter_run - Do you want the PHP linter (syntax errors) to run?
- phpcs_php_path - The path to the PHP executable. If empty string, use PATH to find it
- phpcs_linter_regex - The regex for the PHP linter output
PHP Mess Detector
- phpmd_run - Do you want the PHPMD to run? Off by default
- phpmd_executable_path - The path to the phpmd executable. If empty string, use PATH to find it
- phpmd_additional_args - This is the extra information you want to pass to the phpcs command. For example which "rulesets" you want to run
Requirements for this plugin:
- PHP_CodeSniffer 1.3.* (potentially works with lower versions, but this hasn't been tested)
- Python 2.6
This plugin has been tested on:
- Mac OS X 10.6.8 (2.6.1 r261:67515, Jun 24 2010, 21:47:49) and 10.7.3 (2.6.7 r267:88850, Jul 31 2011, 19:30:54)
- Ubuntu 11.10 (2.6.6 r266:84292, Jun 16 2011, 22:35:51)
- Windows XP (2.6.5 r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26)
###What do I do when I get "No such file or directory" error?
OSError: [Error 2] No such file or directory
- Well, first of all you need to check that you have PHP_CodeSniffer, and if being used, the phpmd application.
- If you have these applications installed, then it sounds like those applications are not in your PATH, or cannot be found in your PATH by the Python runtime, so configure "phpcs_php_path", "phpcs_executable_path" and "phpmd_executable_path" with the actual paths to those applications