An opinionated list of libraries, ideas, code and articles I stumbled upon. Non-regular updated. I also maintain a little repo about quickly put together hacks without any plans to maintain these long.
- PHP-Spider - well-done library to spider the web.
- PHP Scraper - PHP scraping library I've built
- RakePlus - automatic keyword extracting of a given string.
- PHP NLP Tools - Natural Language Processing Tools in PHP
- Tor Detector - Detect if user comes via Tor
- Crawler Detect - Detect if the requestor is a crawler (based on user-agents)
- bref - Serverless PHP using AWS Lambda
- sendportal - Send your own newsletters from this Laravel application
- domain-parser - with endless new domain parsing these gets harder and harder, this library helps you getting the job done.
- PHP VCR - record your HTTP requests and reply them as tests.
- webpage-webmentions - drop in implementation of webmentions. See and this great post by @maxboeck.
- mailcheck - reduce misspelled email addresses.
- gifify - video to gif conversions.
- serp-parser - parse SERPs using this library, easy and simple.
- puppeteer-webperf - automate performance testing using Puppeteer
- redaxios - 800 byte wrapper around
to replace axios library - puppeteer-recorder - a browser extension to record actions and output a Puppeteer script
- puppeteer-crawler - a distributed headless crawler.
- vue-web-extension - Boilerplate to start a browser extension using Vue. Documentation
- vue-numerals - Vue-wrapper around Numeral.js, a lib to parse and format numbers.
- HostCtl - library to manage /etc/hosts (see How I force myself to work)
- rclone (GitHub) -
-style backups to numerous cloud services
- faasd - hosting serverless functions yourself without all the pain.
- WinDIY - 3D-printed open-source DIY wind-turbine
- BEIPA - GitHub's Balanced Employee IP Agreement (BEIPA).