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API for accessing details of analyses, their configurations and scheduling. Its main feature is high extensibility of the system through automated discovery and integration of new analysis modules.


Endpoint /algorithms/ of this API will provide a dictionary with lists of algorithms separated by their types. Example:

    "preprocessing": ["pafft", "baseline_removal"],
    "analysis": ["divik"]

This dictionary will be automatically updated by the tasks that are registered in the cluster.


Enpoint /schedule/<task-name>/ accepts POST requests with definition of computational task parameters. Description of these parameters is available in the same manner as asking appropriate analysis worker - these calls are getting redirected.

<task-name> should be replaced by any available task name listed under /algorithms/ endpoint.

Specification of a Worker

In order to make worker discoverable and useful in the system, following specification must be met.

Input Specification Endpoint

Endpoint /schema/inputs/<task-name>/ should provide simplistic specification of a computational task input as a JSON-schema. <task-name> should be replaced by any available task name listed under /algorithms/ endpoint.

Sample JSON, from the examples provided on the source page:

    "title": "Person",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "firstName": {
            "type": "string"
        "lastName": {
            "type": "string"
        "age": {
            "description": "Age in years",
            "type": "integer",
            "minimum": 0
    "required": ["firstName", "lastName"]

Expected HTTP return code is 200. If task of the given name does not exist, return code is 404. Supported HTTP method is GET.

For such minimal REST API, Flask framework can be used.

Output Specification Endpoint

Endpoint /schema/outputs/<task-name>/ should provide specification of a computational task output as follows:

        "aspect": "some_aspect",
        "friendly_name": "User-readable aspect name (will be displayed)",
        "description": "Longer description<br/>with explanation"
            // some JSON-schema
        "output_type": "table"

<task-name> should be replaced by any available task name listed under /algorithms/ endpoint.

You may also query for single aspect instead of complete list, providing its name: /schema/outputs/<task-name>/<aspect-name>.

Expected HTTP return code is 200. If task of the given name does not exist, return code is 404. Supported HTTP method is GET.


This endpoint specifies, what parameters are required to limit the amount of data sent to user allowing for sufficient visualization, what is the form of data presentation and brief description what's presented.

  • aspect defines aspect of the result we can query about. E.g. for DiviK it would be summary (with mean number of spectra in cluster, depth of analysis, etc.), visualization (a plot with segmentation marked). Value of aspect field must correspond to an endpoint defined as a part of REST API. More details below.
  • friendly_name - user-readable name, that will be displayed to user
  • query_format - defines, what parameters should be defined to obtain summary of the analysis. It should follow the format of JSON-schema
  • output_type - one of the following: table or plot

Output types are described further below.

Input Form Layout Endpoint (optional)

Endpoint /layout/inputs/<task-name> may provide simplistic specification of a form's layout needed to gather computational task input.

Sample JSON for such styling:

        "type": "section",
        "title": "Personal details",
        "items": ["firstName", "lastName", "age"],
        "expandable": true,
        "expanded": false,
    ... // another elements of the layout

Format of layout should be as samples included here.

Expected HTTP return code is 200. If task of the given name does not exist, return code is 404. Supported HTTP method is GET.

Output Form Layout Endpoint

Endpoint /layout/outputs/<task-name> should provide specification of a computational task output narrowing form layout as follows:

        "aspect": "some_aspect",
            // form layout elements with styling

You may also query for single aspect instead of complete list, similarly as for /schema endpoint: /layout/outputs/<task-name>/<aspect-name>.

Expected HTTP return code is 200. If task of the given name does not exist, return code is 404. Supported HTTP method is GET.

Result Access Endpoints

Endpoint /results/<task-name> should handle GET requests and return list of all results of finished anlyses. It should follow such format:

        "id": 1234567890,
        "name": "Some user friendly name",

Endpoint /results/<task-name>/<id>/<aspect> should handle POST requests with query format defined as above. Response should return code 200 for existing result and 404 for nonexistent one. Expected format of the response is dependent on the specification already provided. For more details check output types.

Computational Task

Computational tasks should be defined as a part of worker API, in a form of Celery task. The task should accept input defined exactly as declared in previous point.

IMPORTANT: scheduler will put the task on the queue with the same name as the task itself, to allow for specialization of workers.

According to the documentation of Celery all the parameters of scheduled task are serialized and then exchanged between this node and workers. To limit the overhead, input should be small, i.e. no dataset should be sent as an argument. Instead, a dataset name can be used, and dataset should be loaded from the disk locally.

Result of finished task should be saved to disk. We'll put more details soon.


Each worker will be found at analysis-api:2004/api/workers?refresh=True, with worker name before the @ sign and available task names in registered field. To make worker discoverable, make sure worker name is the same as its hostname. Task names should be constructed like: category_name.analysis_name (e.g. analysis.divik, modeling.gmm).

Considered categories are, consecutively:

  • preprocessing
  • modeling
  • analysis

Output types


This type of output will be interpreted as a table with multiple columns, for example such JSON:

    "columns": [
            "key": "x",
            "name": "Some variable",
            "key": "y",
            "name": "Another variable",
            "key": "z",
            "name": "Some other variable",
    "data": [
        {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3},
        {"x": 4, "y": 5, "z": 6},

will be transformed into table like this:

Some variable Another variable Some other variable
1 2 3
4 5 6
... ... ...


This type of output will be interpreted as a Plotly plot, according to the definition returned by the endpoint. Any plot definition supported by Plotly element constructor is allowed.