golang package to communicate with Lutron's RadioRA2 devices.
Start a conenction with the main repeater, selecting a user id dedicated to this application:
conn, err := lutron.Dial("", "lutron", "integration")
To dim specific lights:
// fade switch "8" to 25% over 2 seconds
a := conn.Dimmer(8).Fade(25, 2*time.Second)
// fade switch "11" to 33% over 0.50 seconds
b := conn.Dimmer(11).Fade(33, 500*time.Millisecond)
// wait for prior fades to complete
<- a
<- b
Virtually press a button on a keypad, selecting its scene, and wait for the command to be acknowledged:
k := conn.Keypad(4)
<- k.Button(1).Press()
Listen to a keypad button, e.g. for custom behavior:
k := conn.Keypad(4)
fivePressed := k.Button(5).Monitor()
for {
select {
case <-fivePressed: