Implementation of a complete framework for evaluating the SQL-Compliance of current DBMSs
This project aims to build a complete framework for testing the SQL-Compliance of current DBMSs ( PostgreSQL, MySQL, IBM DB2, MS Server sql, Oracle Database). The core component of the framework is consisted by the random SQL generator tool, the comparison tool and the datafiller for generate random realistic data. The project is implemented in Java Programming Language. Moreover, this framework is implemented in such a way that a new DBMS can be added efficiently without the need to change the whole code.
Compile: javac -cp '.:postgresql-42.1.1.jar'
Run: java -cp '.:postgresql-42.1.1.jar' SQLEngine
Compile: javac -cp '.;postgresql-42.1.1.jar'
Run: java -cp '.;postgresql-42.1.1.jar' SQLEngine
-maxTablesFrom, -maxAttrSel, -maxCondWhere, -maxAttrGrpBy, -probWhrConst,
-repAlias, -nestLevel, -arithCompSel, -distinct, -stringInSel,-stringInWhere, -rowcompar,
-DBMS, -user, -pass, -dbName, -isNULL,-isSelectAll
Compile: javac -cp '.:postgresql-42.1.1.jar'
Run: java -cp '.:postgresql-42.1.1.jar' SQLEngine -pass testing1 -DBMS mysql -dbname teststr -user root
javac -cp '.;postgresql-42.1.1.jar' -maxTablesFrom 5 -maxCondWhere 3 -maxAttrSel 4
> MySql
> Oracle
> PostgreSQL
> MSSQL Server
> Linux or Windows
> Java 8 Update 92 or higher
> Datafiller
python --drop -n 0.33 schema.sql > data.sql
The goals of this project are summarized as follow:
Random Query Generator Tool
Comparison Tool
Datafiller Tool
Highlight main differences among current DBMSs