What is it?
A JVM (kotlin) playground to test Kafka-Streams & OpenTracing integration.
Started off as a testbed for java-specialagent 's Kafka integration, but is now a demo on how to instrument individual kafka-streams Processors
First, it makes use of OpenTracing-contrib's Kafka Client to ensure spans are setup / reused correctly The main aspect of development here is how it instruments individual processors.
There are tow main ways of integrating: The decorator style and inheritance style, each with their own strengths:
For simple cases, the decorator style allows you to keep all of your processors unmodified, with integration added in the topology definition. This approach allows your processors to inherit from any base-class.
Ensure each processor supplier returns your processor decorated with the OpenTracingProcessor
. The OpenTracingProcessor
starts a new span as soon as process(key, value)
is invoked, but also ensures a special OpenTracingProcessorContext
is used.
This wraps the standard ProcessorContext
, which closes off a Span
whenever the processor invokes context.forward(...)
or context.commit()
val topology = Topology()
.addSource("source", source)
{ SomeProcessor() as Processor<Any, Any> },
.addSink("sink", dest, "processor")
val topology = Topology()
.addSource("source", source)
{ OpenTracingProcessorDecorator(SomeProcessor() as Processor<Any, Any>, tracer) },
.addSink("sink", dest, "processor")
n.b. if you need direct access to trace data, you can still achieve this using the GlobalTracer
. When you register your Tracer
, add this line below
You will then be able to write trace data form your unmodified Processors:
GlobalTracer.get().scopeManager().activeSpan().setTag("z:some-key", "some-value")
This style provides a slightly-easier to read topology, and simpler access to record Tags to your trace, but your processor will need to inherit from OpenTracingAwareProcessor
, and must call super.process()
Since there is no decoration, your topology will look unmodified.
class SomeProcessor(tracer: Tracer) : OpenTracingAwareProcessor<String, String>(tracer){
override fun process(key: String, value: String) {
// Important, since this initialises the span
super.process(key, value)
// direct access to add tags from the Processor
setTag("z:correlationId", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
context().forward(key, value, To.all())
You'll need:
- Bash
- Make
- JDK11
- Docker (with compose) Gradle (to bootstrap the wrapper)
./gradlew assemble installDist
The stack consists of Kafka, Zookeeper, Jaeger and a couple instances of the app, sunning in docker-compose
make run