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Neovim configuration for Developer. Minimal UI, optimize timestartup.


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Performance for time startup on low laptop
On Power                              : 15ms - 20ms
On Battery                            : 17ms - 21ms
Themes Showcase with 16 colorschemes

🔎 Requirements

  • Neovim >= v0.9 (Recommend nightly version).

  • Nerd Font as your terminal font.

  • Ripgrep and Fzf are required for grep searching with Telescope.

  • GCC (Clang), Windows users must have mingw installed and set on PATH.

  • Lazygit and Ranger (OPTIONAL).

  • Xsel and Xclip for copy and paste (X11), wl-clipboard (Wayland) (OPTIONAL).

⬇️ Installation


  • Backup your config

    mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
  • Remove cache setup

    rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/state/nvim ~/.cache/nvim
  • Install TeVim

    git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
  • Adding Mason to PATH

    # this is for zsh
    export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin

Windows (PowerShell)

  • Backup your config
    Move-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim.bak
  • Remove cache setup
    Move-Item $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data.bak
  • Install TeVim
    git clone $env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim --depth 1 && nvim

Custom Colorschemes

Read file colorschemes on tevim/themes/schemes/ and write like it on custom/themes/schemes/

TeVim Commands

TeVimThemes : Open list colorschemes

TeVimToggleTrans : Toggle Transparency

TeVimCheckMason : Install or Remove package you add or remove on custom/configs/overrides.lua

TeVimUpdate : Update TeVim (If you have any problems, please create issues)



TeVim auto create Custom Folder, change or add everything on it.

THIS IS NOT A "DISTRO" and not for BEGINNERS, you need to have some experiences with Lua and Neovim.

If there are any errors or questions, please create Issues or contact me here


Plugin (~30 plugs) Description Lazy
folke/lazy the package manager for newbies true
nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter syntax highlighting, most popular one for neovim true
HiPhish/rainbow-delimiters.nvim highlights matching delimiters true
NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua highlights colors and is really frickin fast true
nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.lua a very neat, simple and clean file tree and most features true
nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons more devicons for neovim true
windwp/nvim-ts-autotag automatically close and rename html tags true
windwp/nvim-autopairs automatically close and rename brackets true
nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim probably the most popular menu. can be used for a lot of stuff true
akinsho/toggleterm.nvim terminal integration in neovim true
lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim Super fast git decorations implemented purely in Lua. true
williamboman/mason.nvim installing LSPs made super easy true
nvimdev/lspsaga.nvim responsible for the winbar and lightbulb true
neovim/nvim-lspconfig the most popular LSP client for neovim true
hrsh7th/nvim-cmp autocompletion plugin for neovim true
L3MON4D3/LuaSnip very simple and easy to use snippet engine true
RRethy/vim-illuminate highlights all instances of the word under the cursor true
lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim shows indent lines in neovim true
echasnovski/mini.indentscope perfect animation indent lines true
numToStr/Comment.nvim quik and easy commenting true
folke/todo-comments.nvim beautiful highlights for TODO comments true


Keys Function
CTRL h / j / k / l Moving Window Focus Towards Left/Up/Down/Right (Normal)
CTRL h / j / k / l Moving Cursor Left/Up/Down/Right (Insert)
CTRL e Toggle Explorer with Neotree
CTRL ` Open And Close ToggleTerm
ALT / ⬇️ / ⬆️ Moving Current Line or Lines Down/Up
Enter Clear Highlight Search

File Operations

Keys Function
LDR q Exit Neovim
CTRL s Save File (N + I)
CTRL q Close Current Buffer
CTRL o Close Other Buffer
TAB Next Buffer
SHIFT TAB Previous Buffer
CTRL / Toggle Comment (N + I + V)


Keys Function
LDR f f Find Files
LDR f r Find Recently Visited Files
LDR f w Find File By String


Keys Function
LDR l a Code Action
LDR l o Outline
LDR l i Lsp Infor
LDR l r Lsp Rename


Keys Function
LDR s i Treesitter Info
LDR s u Treesitter Update


Keys Function
LDR LDR u TeVim Update
LDR LDR c TeVim Colorscheme Picker
LDR LDR t Toggle Transparency
LDR LDR m TeVim Check Mason

Use Telescope keymaps for more keybinds

  • Nvchad helped TeDash and TeBufline (fix some bugs for theme)


Neovim configuration for Developer. Minimal UI, optimize timestartup.








No packages published
